
Predicament in the Nest...

Did any of you eagle-cam followers see Momma eagle in her "branch predicament" yesterday?? No? Well she brought a "bigger-then-life" branch up to the nest and had "remodel" on her mind. She tugged, she chewed & got caught up in it several times before getting it just so... only to have Dad fly in later and do away with the tree branch. Some things never change, even in the bird world. This Mommas nest building skills have always been in question in Dad's eagle eyes, dating back to their first nest building in 2008. As a young, first-time mother he was always rearranging what she did to the nest and 3 years later he's still doing the same...so funny to watch!

Well I sort of have my own predicament in my nest. Yep, that's my nest above...this is where I spend my time most days. Today's predicament is that I sold out of the "Soar Sampler" and now I'm getting emails from very very sad eagle followers that didn't get a pattern. Well being the "softy" that I am...I've decided to make a change mid-stream, is this allowed?? Here's what I have come up with...

I will continue to sell the pattern for a limited time, rather then a limited number of patterns. I will continue to give a portion of the proceeds to the Raptor Resource Project. BUT, once the eagles fledge the pattern will be retired...sound okay with you all? I've moved the purchase tab over to the side/top of the blog, patterns can be purchased there. I will continue to keep you all up to date on dollar donations made to this wonderful project. DISCLAIMER: I am in no way affiliated with the Raptor Resource Project...I'm just a bird lover at heart, have been totally captivated by this eagle family and want to do my part in helping out those that have made this possible for us to enjoy. Have you made your donations yet? It's just a simple click of the button, paying via PayPal.

As I sit here typing this post I'm hearing what I think is thunder rumbling off in the distance on the web cam. There is nasty weather predicted for the state this weekend, with a good probability of tornadoes. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the weatherman is wrong, for the sake of everyone and the eagle family.

The first little eaglet popped his head out from momma at about 6:15 AM today. By 6:30 the whole nest was awake, with trout on the breakfast menu. (I wish Momma would "clean-the-fridge, too many leftovers...) All three little eaglets seem to be doing well, with E1 still being somewhat bossy. Rumor has it that the bossy first born is a female....YOU GO GIRL!! Really, rumor has it that the nest consists of two females and one male.

And I leave you today with the above photo of daddy eagle sitting so proudly on guard, above the nest...such a good daddy!

Have a good weekend everyone and lets hope the bad weather doesn't hit us, Brenda

P.S. I've taken some phone calls in regards to the stitch count of the sampler...it is 127 wide by 121 high. The first 100 sold sampler patterns will go out in Monday's mail, you should have them by weeks end.


  1. Gee, I miss one day's post on your blog and I am totally out of the loop! Didn't see Soar until just now...thanks for printing more. I might try to start it when I receive the pattern...I'm a real sucker for SALs! Brenda, you are seriously throwing off any sort of stitching schedule I might have dreamed of having in 2011! I am working on Bunny & Company now, and a bunch of us have signed up for the Birds of a Feather Club!

    Love watching the eagles. It's fun when you get to see/hear the horses go by. I hope this story doesn't get too sad.


  2. Good Morning, Brenda!
    I ordered the Soar Sampler yesterday
    and I copied and saved your post about it so that I always have the history attached to my sampler when it is done. I used a nice font and will glue it to the frame backing with my name and the date I finish.
    I hope to get in on the stitch-a-long if my wrist heals. Oh, I hope and pray that nothing happens from the bad weather. I watched the PBS documentary (thanks so much) and saw how everything changed in an instant for Dad Eagle. I think we would all need therapy if we see anything bad happen at this point!
    When you find the time, could you remember to email me or post the suggested colors of floss and which count linen I could use? It's been so long since I stitched and I'd like it to look like the original by you. Brenda, you are a kind, generous and awesome lady.
    Thanks again for everything.
    Warmest Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  3. I love the picture with the daddy eagle sitting above the nest. Where did you get that pic? Is it local? I would like to see the whole area where the nest is located, from my computer ofcoarse.

    I'm glad you're printing more patterns for those that missed the first 100. You have such a big following of your designs, including me!

  4. Thanks so much for the update Brenda. I have missed the cam the last few days since #3 came into the world due to work and school life.
    I was looking at the post this morning with my Mom. Boy did we laugh....it's nice to know that life as a bird isn't so different as life as a human. We will have to catch back up on the cam on u-tube.

  5. I must have missed a post...when did egg no. 3 hatch?! So glad all is well with all three babies!

    Glad also that your sampler project is going so well! It is so great of you to raise money for the raptor project this way. The interest in these eagles does my heart good. Hopefully people will develope a renewed respect and love for nature!

  6. Cannot wait to get the Soar pattern! I wish I had thought to print out your original post like Susan did. That's a wonderful idea! I thank you for the beautiful design to commemorate such a special happening! We'll all say a prayer for the safety of the whole family with the bad weather coming! I cannot thank you enough for a wonderful blog --- I enjoy it so very much!

  7. Barbara, just scroll down to the April 7 Join Us For A Stitch Along
    post from Brenda and there is what I printed out. It's all there, her inspiration and what each picture in the sampler stands for.
    Happy Stitching!
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  8. I knew you would sell out fast on the sampler. I'm glad I ordered mine right away ~ can't wait to receive it.
    Thanks and really enjoy your posts!
    Prim Blessings

  9. Susan, Thank you! I got it! I really want to do this and one day give it to my granddaughter, with the story of it, since she has watched along with me sometimes! She's only four and may not remember much, but this beautiful sampler will help her keep the memory!

  10. Thank you for offering the Soar pattern, again. I missed the post and was so disappointed that I would not be able to buy it. You made my day!!

  11. Is the nest that you are showing the one that is on Ustream? I have been watching the momma and papa with three little eaglets for about a week now.I have become obsessed with the daily lives of these cute little chicks. They are adorable
    this is the site of the eagles
    They are just awesome and I am sure that I am going to have to order the pattern too.


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