
Join us for a stitch a long...

Introducing "Soar Sampler" cross stitch chart!

Like so many of you, I've spent many of hours watching the eagle family via web-cam here in Iowa. It's inspired me to create a little momento to remember this event of 2011. After watching a 2008 documentary on PBS, about this daddy eagle and all of his trials and tribulations, late last evening, I knew I wanted to create a sampler in honor of this eagle family. So I arose at 5 AM this morning and started to create the below sampler on one computer screen, while watching the eagle cam on my monitor to my right....yes, call me a geek, a dork, a nerd, or whatever... By 9:30 AM the sampler was finished!

You will find things tucked throughout the sampler that are familiar to you, if you follow the web-cam. The tree is a great Cottonwood...just like the one the nest sits in. The crown symbolizes the majesty of this bird...the bird our founding fathers chose as our country's bird in the year 1782. The 13 points around the sampler represent the first 13 original colonies.

The remaining motifs represent what we see from time to time when the web cam zooms out...the horses in the pasture & the white granary. Eagles like to build their nests along moving water...you will find the river on the bottom of the sampler. Then there are the two cottontails towards the top & the fish in the river...well, we all know what they represent. While it was never fun seeing one of these in their nest, this is life!

The flag, I just added, because!


To purchase pattern, look to the upper right/top side of blog.

I will be offering this pattern, for purchase, exclusively here on my blog. We are limiting this pattern to a printing of 100. Five dollars of each pattern sale will be donated to the Raptor Research Organization. Pattern price includes travel fare to you. USA orders accepted only, thanks for understanding.

Let's see how much we can raise for this great organization! I will keep a running total of dollars raised over to the right side of the article. The pattern will not feature a photo of a finished piece on the cover, as I am under other stitching time constraints on another piece, currently...and I wanted to get this started.


how's about if we have a stitch a long and I'll stitch mine along with you?

Sound like fun?!! Are you in??!!

So here's how the stitch a long will work: You purchase the pattern, you stitch the piece and please feel free to work the sampler in thread colors and linens of your choice....be brave, go outside of the box! That's what makes stitch a longs more interesting...lots of different thread and linen choices. Then send me pictures of your work in progress @ order@countrystitchesonline.com (with a subject line reading - Soar Stitch Along) and I'll post pictures of the WIP on each Friday. And most important...send us pictures of the finished piece!

Back to the PBS documentary as I mentioned above...it is very educational & entertaining! You will want to watch this 50 minute piece, on the life of our daddy eagle, who lives near a fish hatchery in rural Iowa....have a Kleenex handy, though! Bob Anderson, the "eagle guy" narrates pieces of this documentary.

Have a pleasant evening,



  1. That is so neat and precious! I will be buying the pattern but not sure if I will be doing the stitch-a-long, it could be years before I start on this...lol! But thank you for what you are doing, especially donating some of the proceeds!

  2. Great sampler and a great idea! It really was interesting to view these regal birds and watch their eggs hatch! Thanks for posting the link on your blog, otherwise I would never have know about this Eagle Cam... This cam made the NY news last week!

  3. I just purchased this adorable sampler! I love all the added details like the rabbits, fish and flag. How nice of you to donate $5 for each pattern that is ordered. Thanks to your blog, I discovered the eagle cam last weekend and I've tried to watch as much as possible, but darn work gets in the way sometimes. I am not a fast stitcher and have a few wip's at the moment, so I most likely won't be joining in the SAL, but I will definitely stitch this special sampler someday.

  4. Thank you so much for designing this heartfelt pattern! Last weekend our group of stitching buddies went to Galena for the weekend ~ we stitched, shopped, and watched the eagles via the links from your blog :) Now this will be a special souvenir of our weekend away!

    I remember so well when the eagles were endangered. Now each summer when our family goes up to the northwoods, we watch the eagles teaching their young to hunt - our sons think the eagle sightings are almost common , but I treasure each and every one.

    Thank you! My pattern is ordered!

    Blessings, Patti

  5. Brenda, I'm teary-eyed. What a wonderful thing you've done. I know I speak for everyone who's been watching the Eagle family when I say that this is without a doubt the sweetest thing, and just another testimonial to the endless well of talent and generosity that is within you!Thank you so very much.
    Warmest Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  6. This will be my very first stitch-a-long!!! I love the chart and what a generous thing you are doing by donating a portion! I am soooooo excited about this. I just placed my order! YEEEEEEHAAAAAAA
    Amy from Oklahoma

  7. Yep, I bought the pattern. Had to buy it my Grand Daughter has been watching the eagles and their babies.
    I also think this is awesome that you are donating some the proceeds.
    I don't know if I will stitch it right away, I have a lot on my plate right now.
    Thanks for creating such a beautiful pattern/remembrance piece.
    Prim Blessings!

  8. Thank you so very much for this pattern and your idea to contribute to the organization!! I have so enjoyed watching this amazing Eagle family. All of the motifs on the sampler are so appreciated and well thought out. I've ordered mine and can't wait until it arrives!! I'll be sending you pics of my progress!! THANKS Brenda !!

  9. What a wonderful and generous idea. Love the sampler! I just purchased the pattern. I would not have known about the eagles if I had not been following your blog. I will try to keep up with the stitch-a-long, but like everyone else I have many projects on the burner. Thanks so much!

    Attic Raggedys

  10. Hi,Brenda -
    I just ordered the Soar Sampler Pattern. Thanks again (see my previous comment)so very much.
    Will you email me with the
    suggested floss colors and which
    count linen fabric?
    My email is: sburns56@gmail.com
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  11. Too cute! Watched the eagle today while my stitching buddy and I stitched...may have to order the chart now that I've bonded with the birds!!!

  12. I ordered my chart! I love it! What a great idea you had and I so appreciate finding out about these eagles through your blog! I have watched the mother sit for hours, the dad come up and relieve her, and now those 3 fluffy babies! It's the highlight of my day to see what they are doing! Anyway, the chart is lovely and I can't wait to stitch it!
    Thank you again! Frances
    PS--Someone already asked if you'd give the suggested floss colors and fabric count--that would be nice if you have it! Thanks

  13. Such pretty creations . . . love your stuff. Enjoyed also your blog music selection. Played it while I blogged tonight. Blessings, Sandy:O)

  14. Brenda,
    Thank you for designing such a beautiful sampler, and your generous donation. I have enjoyed the eagles so much and I'm thrilled I will have the sampler to always remind me of this special eagle family. The PBS documentary was wonderful and touching. Julie

  15. What a great pattern for a great cause! I just purchased my pattern, but as I was looking at all the symbolisms you mentioned that are throughout the sampler, I only noticed 12 points around the edges not 13. Am I missing something or just blind?

  16. Purchased the sampler last night! What a great idea - I have loved watching the babies this year! Thank you!!

  17. Fabulous! Thank you for doing this! I really ♥ the sampler! I already have ideas on what I'm using for linen!

  18. What a great idea. I have also been consumed with watching the eagles progress (fellow geek) We have a cottage in northern Wisconsin and enjoy watching the eagles soaring above the lake. This sampler will be going up in our cottage. Thank you so much for a great idea and unique way to donate to this project.

  19. Thanks so much for sharing this site. I teach so I have been sharing it with my kids and other teachers. By now the whole school has been watching. I was really excited when I saw the sampler....yes I ordered it. School is out in a few weeks so then I can get started. Thanks also for donating some of the proceeds. That is awesome....Trudy

  20. I have been watching the eagles too. This really a two for one. You have come up with a neat sampler and able to help the eagles all in one. I have purchased the sampler and look forward to stitching it. Thank you!

  21. Awesome idea, Brenda!
    Happy stitch a long everyone!

  22. Hi Brenda:
    Not only do you have me hooked on eagel watching, but my grandson Jaxon, the first thing he wants to do in the morning is check the eagle and then the last thing at night...His mom can't get him in bed untill he say good night to the eagel and her chicks
    I'm so happy to see the last egg has finally hatched, I have my fingers crossed for him...I'm in for the stitch along it sounds like great fun and the best part is the donation...You are such a sweetie...
    Thanks a bunch...
    I can't wait to get my pattern, Nancy

  23. I just ordered the wonderful sampler .... have watched the eagles daily so this will be a great remembrance ... can you tell us the size of the sampler so I can get the fabric prepped!!!

  24. Great donation idea Brenda! You and your creative juices. I love your the thoughts you have and express them into your patterns. I ordered the Eagle sampler and hope to do the stitch along. I'm also enjoying the eagle family thanks to your posting the info.

  25. Congratulations Brenda!
    Thank you for creating this incredible sampler and making such a great contribution to a wonderful organization.
    So glad I got my order in before you sold out!

    Blessings, Patti


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