
Ice Cream Treats...

Our ice cream treats growing up as kids weren't on sticks. Instead Mom would get out the 5 gallon tin of Schwan's Ice Cream and put a scoop of ice cream between two graham crackers...these were our ice cream treats and I l.o.v.e.d. them!

About the time my kids were little ones, the cinnamon graham cracker came into existence and just that little bit of cinnamon made this ice cream treat about 10 times better... an ice cream treat enjoyed by my kids, and well...me too!!

Now I know... I'm getting too old to need ice cream treats, but while doing my grocery shopping this week I stumbled upon a new cookie. I saw the word Newtons on the packaging and I immediately thought, ISH! Did your Mom buy Fig Newton cookies? Did you like them as a kid? Do you like them as an adult? Yes, No, No....right???

Well let's just say kudos to Nabisco, they have come out with a cookie that doesn't taste like soggy figs!! Have you tried these thin & crisp, chocolate & raspberry cookies? Oh lordy, chocolate & raspberry is the "marriage of flavors" made in heaven....

So to take the cookie one step further,

I add a scoop of ice cream between two cookies...

WARNING: they are sinfully delicious...

Eat one and you'll think you've died & gone to heaven! Eat two and just pretend you only ate one...

I just ate two of them while working up this post {sigh}...

Have a good week,



  1. Oh, wow! I am sold. Now I am actually looking forward to my next trip to the grocery store!

  2. Oh, yumscious! If these are new cookies, I unfortunately won't see them in our market for a long
    time. So, you enjoy for both of us!
    Warmest Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  3. P.S. Does anyone else think that
    the E1 and E2 are, well, HUGE since yesterday?
    Susan B.

  4. Never was a fan of Fig Newton's, maybe these would be better.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  5. Didn't like fig newtons then or now, but these new things sound quite wonderful. Your ice cream sandwich looks good enough to eat. My mom had a bunch of candlewick glass...I think that looks like what your stand is.

    And, yes, those babies are growing quickly!


  6. I did like fig newtons as a kid, but my daughter-in-law left some here a few weeks ago so I grabbed one. Eeeew...I can't believe that I ever thought they were good.

    Those cookies you showed look so good and with ice cream too...this is going to be so hard to resist trying!!

  7. these sound so yummy .... will check out those cookies at the grocery store today!

    did the Soar Samplers get mailed last Monday? Haven't received mine yet and I am so excited to start!!

    looking forward to your pictures today!!


  8. Looks like something that I am afraid to try... as I am sure that I will love them :) Thanks for sharing.

    I just had to share... as a child I had a pet parrot named George his absolute favorite treat was... fig newtons, so we always had a package in the cupboard :)

    Blessings, Patti

  9. We don't have those biscuits here in England so I thought I'd share our childhood treat = Icecream Crunch.

    Take a slab of vanilla icecream, sprinkle cornflakes on top (Kelloggs) then pour Golden Syrup all over. Devour the sticky mess!

  10. Those look so good! i'm definitely going to have to try it!!

  11. I will be doing this for a treat for my co-workers some time this week! Thanks for sharing :) Laurie


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