
NEW cross stitch club!

"Birds of a Feather" Mystery Sampler Club

is coming to your local needlework shops

this summer!

Here is how it works...

The Birds of a Feather sampler is a 21st century sampler, with a 19th century flair, designed by Brenda Gervais/With thy Needle & Thread. The stitch count of the finished piece is 173 wide X 190.

Finished sampler size:

15/30 count - 11 1/2" wide X 12 5/8" high

18/35 count - 9 1/2" wide X 10 1/2" high

20/40 count - 8 5/8" x 9 1/2" high

This information and the little blurry photo snippet above is it, that's all we're revealing...the rest is a mystery! The sampler pattern will be revealed in 3 parts to the club member over the months of May, June & July. The 1st pattern supplied to the member will detail the border, the 2nd and 3rd patterns will consist of the alphabet and the "fun" main focal motif of the sampler. Each month more of the sampler pattern will be revealed to it's members...can you feel the anticipation already?? It should be a fun summer club, many shops are hosting stitch-ins, stitching camps & events to coincide with the Birds of a Feather Mystery Sampler Club...join the fun! Visit your local needlework shop for more information on joining the club. For shop owners interested in being a part of this stitching event, contact Norden Crafts at (800) 323-1252 - mail@nordencrafts.com (contact info for shop owners only please, thank you)

With thy Needle & Thread, Brenda


  1. Will you have a list of the shops that are participating? I shop at the Primitive Gatherings, I know they carry some of your patterns ~ will they carry this one?
    Prim Blessings! Robin

  2. I am excited about this!! I don't have an LNS, so will the ONS have access to the club?

  3. From what I can see, it looks like I definitely want to do this! Will the patterns be available in your online store?

  4. Hi Brenda,

    Living in Belgium, and mostly order through internetshops,

    It would be nice if there was a list with the participating shops. I would definetly love to do this one. This sneak peek was enough to make me curieus as a cat :-))))

    the little bird looks so sweet and also the red flowers in the border.

  5. Sounds like fun, but sad, no shop near me. Hope can join online. zoe

  6. I will be signing up, for sure! Now, if I only had an LNS....

  7. Brenda
    My concern echoes that of others...I do not have a LNS and am wondering if I will be able to join in on the fun through your online store.
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  8. Brenda - just as others have posted, will you be including online needlecraft shops (like my favorite COUNTRY STITCHES!)? I sure hope you consider this as a possibility!

  9. Hello Brenda, this looks so nice....I love your pattern...
    Do you think, it is possible to stitch your mystery in Germany?
    I did not really understand , how this mystery works.

    Greetings from Sylvia....

  10. I too am exited about this but as others have mentioned, I do not have a local LNS store. I do all of my purchases online. Will this club be availabe thru your store? Would you be able to give out a list of online stores that will carry this club? Thanks so much!

  11. The new mystery club looked so qreat--and then, disappointment. Just available for local shops. I haven't had a local needlework shop for years. This means I get left out of something I would really like to do. Reading the comments it looks like I'm not the only one. Can't something be done?

  12. Jeanie jeanhmaher@yahoo.comMarch 28, 2011 at 1:25 PM

    Just signed up! I'm very excited-nothing like a good mystery:) BTW, I signed up through The Silver Needle. They will ship to me since I do not have a LNS:)


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