
Spring-time Arrivals & Dust Bunnies

They're here...
the fresh tulips, daffodils and mini iris's have arrived!

It is this time of year I do the "to me - from me" thing and buy myself a bouquet of these lovely Spring-time flowers each week. I love that on one side of my window it may still be cold and snowy, but on the inside it looks fresh & Springy. I love this contrast....the overlapping of seasons, if you will.

So I carefully filled one of my favorite pitchers with the bouquet, added a few eggs and my very favorite antique treasure...a bunny who's made from a very coarse/scratchy sort of wool and filled with straw and has a cute little furry-type tuft for it's tail.

I came home from work yesterday and noticed this clump of fur on the floor and thought....hmmm Agassi (our family cat) must be doing some Spring-time shedding...you know, losing his winter coat, as they say... Upon picking it up and inspecting closer, I realized it was my bunnies tail. I look up and over to my little Spring-time flower display in the window and the bunny is missing! I now have a missing bunny, who's missing it's tail, and I'm pretty sure the said family cat is the guilty bunny snatcher. What would you think? I immediately went and checked out his water and food dish as this is usually where I find his "treasures"...but, no bunny. After more searching around the house I find my poor bunny wedged under one of my old cupboards, tail missing and well lets just say this bunny had a few dust bunnies on him! Bunny was a cat toy for the day. Isn't there a saying that goes, when the cat's away, the mice will play??? Doesn't he know he's not the mouse in this scenario????


After all is said and done, Agassi dusted my floors for me while I was at work yesterday, wasn't that nice of him??

Now, if I could only get him to do our laundry...

Have a good day,



  1. Oh yes, they play while everyone is away....if only they could do laundry and dishes....well besides licking the plates clean!!!
    I used to tell my kids I was saving the dust bunnies to knit them sweaters......wonder if they remember that!!!
    Have a great week, I am loving my stitching patterns!!
    Margaret B

  2. Agassi seems to being saying...not me...not not me!

  3. LOL about Agassi stealing the bunny. And dusting for you. He is a gorgeous cat too.

    If you ever fugure out how to train him to do laundry let me know. :)

  4. He looks too innocent to have been the rabbit knapper - I think the rabbit sought Agassi out....my cats are moulting black and tan fluff everywhere...would you like some as a replacement bunny tail?

  5. Surely you're not blaming that sweet innocent cat for the misadventures with bunny?

  6. Oh, how precious can you get. Agassi is just the most gorgeous little guy. What a pleasant way to warm the tooties. Hehe.
    I just love wondering though your blog. I never get tired of visiting here.

  7. Well hey - the bunny looks like a cat toy to me! Maybe the tail smelled interesting to him since it's an antique. A friend game me a darling wool snowman needle felted ornament that my cats will not leave alone! They particularly like the carrot nose...

  8. Love your bunny story! I remember coming home to find all my threads all unwound all over the living room & not a creature around to claim the mess...ahhh - those were the days, i miss that allot, so after all is said & done, give Agassi a big hug!!!


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