

A little elf to do the following jobs for me...

put the lights on my tree & decorate it
drag the Christmas decorations out of the downstairs closet and bring them upstairs for me (and while you're at it decorate too)
finish my shopping
wrap my gifts
clean my house
bake Christmas cookies
& I'm sure there is an item or two or three or four or five that I'm forgetting...

Just a wee tad frazzled,


  1. If I lived closer, I would definitely be your "elf":) Your post made me smile, I pray someone makes you smile today! Thanks for a beautiful and encouraging blog Brenda. Hope an 'elf' shows up to help you soon;-)

  2. Hi Brenda:
    Wow....I know just how you feel....
    I hope you find a little magic today....Thanks so much for making me laugh, Nancy

  3. Aww, it sounds about like my house, but I don't have any good excuses for being so far behind. At least you continue to create lovely things to share with us. Praying that you find the energy to get it all done on time. Somehow, it always does!

  4. Glad I am not the only one, lol.
    I have given up trying to do it all, going to have to settle with resting and enjoying the family.


  5. Yes, I could do with one of those too!


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