
Winter has arrived!

But not without a fight...there was lightning, there was thunder & there was snow. Never a good mix. It seems like there was some sort of fight goin' on outside last night, a fight between the last of warm weather and the incoming winter weather. I think winter won. It was a sleepless & noisy night...between the road plows, lightning & thunder, scared cat jumping up into bed with us periodically, and then finally the noise of snapping tree limbs...

I was afraid to get out of bed and look out the window this morning, knowing lightning, thunder & snow brings wet & heavy snow.

This is what was laid upon my eyes this morning...

A smilin' Jack & a white winter wonderland.

Looks like today will be spent sweeping snow off the heavy snow-laden tree limbs to prevent any further damage. There is currently no getting out our drive way, as our dear old Red Bud tree's limbs are drooping down to the ground...keeping us home today!

Somehow, I'm not seein' the same humor in this winter stuff that Old Jack is...(Remember, my darling husband has a broken collar bone and shoveling snow & pulling down broken tree limbs isn't on his list of things he can do yet.)



  1. oh I do not miss that white stuff! Take it easy...as I remember, snow is heavy!

  2. It is never good to see a snow covered pumpkin.
    Take some breaks between the shoveling and make some hot chocolate.

  3. It looks beautiful - but I have to say, after last winter, I am no where near ready for the white stuff yet!! Hopefully your trees aren't damaged too much - take it easy!

  4. OMG!!! don't like the looks of your part of the country. We have been spoiled here in SE Michigan. I know some day we will pay for this wonderful weather we are having. It is too good to last. Love, love, love your teddy bear on your side bar. Be careful with all that heavy white stuff. Take it slow and easy!!!

  5. I love the pics of your winter wonderland, but I am happy to say we are still snow free here in NE. Maybe warm weather will melt it all quickly so that your clean up is easier.

  6. Punpkin looks like a smiling Jack Frost !! Looks beautiful to me.. Of course, I am in Alabama and it is still high 70's here.

  7. It looks wonderful to me! Of course I am sitting here in shorts and it was in the 80's and sunny here today :) I do miss seeing the white stuff but I do not miss driving in it or shoveling it! Nowdays I just get to enjoy it by seeing someones pictures.
    Stay warm!

  8. Gorgeous photos..!! Happy Winter!

  9. Yikes! I am definitly NOT ready for snow! And even though the snow covered pumpkin is a neat photo and everything always looks so clean and pretty in the snow I do hope it melts fast.

  10. It looks wonderful! But I can imagine you don't feel that way... Good luck with the snow shuffling! The only positive thing of being stucked at home, is that you have a lot of crafting time!

  11. So cute! Can't make a snowman here yet in Denver-its like spring today-unless of course you head west. :)


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