
Poor Nemo...

I had the pleasure of visiting Beckham for a couple days, leading up to his big 2ND birthday! We did some shopping, eating out, played with Thomas the Train (surprise, surprise), put puzzles together and watched a movie or two...Finding Nemo seems to be his "new favorite" movie. I'm almost embarrassed to admit I had not seen this movie, so it was a first for Grandma. We're all watching the movie with our fullest attention. Even the almost 2 year old. We get to the part where the big scary fish eats Elmo's mother & from the cutest-little-almost-2-year -old voice, I hear..."poooorrrrr Nemo". Was the sweetest thing I ever did hear, just totally melted my heart! We continued to watch the movie and when the music would get dramatic & the waters got murky and dark you knew something bad or sad was to happen. It would be then once again, "poor Nemo". Grandma can't seem to get those cute little words, in that cute little voice, out of her head, "poor Nemo"...
* * * * * * *
One of the birthday gifts was an Nemo book with music player. Beckham sat and entertained us as he "read" out loud, for us, his version of the Finding Nemo book. We laughed and laughed as he read to all of us about "pooooorrrrr Nemo".

Beckham got lots of nice presents, even two pairs of new shoes. Not one pair, but two pair from Grandma Julie and Grandpa Don. Grandma Julie said she couldn't decide between the two, so she bought both pairs. Grandma's are known to do this...it is totally allowed!
It's hard to believe this little one is already two...it's been 2 years of total fun!
Have a good week everyone,


  1. Such a cute grandson you have! It is also nice to hear that he is learning to think of others with his "poor Nemo". It was a favorite movie of my grandkids, too. Soon it will probably be "Cars".

  2. What a little cutie-bug your grandson is! Sounds like he had a wonderful birthday!


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