
Mistletoe & Musings...

Today was a candle pouring day...

with scents of Mistletoe, Christmas Cedar & Balsam and Dried Apple...the place smells heavenly! The candles will cure for a couple of days before getting labeled with original prints of our punch needle designs. You can find our candles out here.

Now for the musings part of the post...

I've received a few emails in regards to where are the doll patterns? I have slowed down in the doll pattern design category, definately. There just seemed to be a real slow down in this area 4 or 5 years ago, so I moved into punch needle. One has to go where the market takes you and most importantly go with what is selling at the moment for you. I will also be the first to admit, after 28 years of doll designing, I had some burnout in that area as well so the timing worked to move onto something new. BUT, that doesn't mean I've given up totally in this area of pattern design. So hold onto your britches folks...there will be a new Santa doll pattern, just as there always has been for 28 years, coming soon!! I'm also hoping to get a new little Christmas mouse done as well...we shall see. After that I will be taking a much needed break until after the holidays.

And lastly, our chenille yarn (used on the Winter's Skate pattern) will be here on Friday...yippeee! So those of you who have ordered this, we will be shipping your order at that time. Thanks for your patience!

Have a good evening,

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