
Our day at Pumpkin Fest

Hi everyone, this is Beckham and I'm filling in as guest blogger once again for Grandma Brenda. Today's post is about our day spent at the Center Grove Orchard in Cambridge, IA. for their Pumpkin Fest weekend festivities.

First off there was farming to do...

This farming stuff is hard work...would you mind giving me a hand Grandpa Dave.

Just beyond where I was doing my farming on my tractor was the Billy Goat Haven. There were goats everywhere! I knew goats could climb, but jeepers I had no idea how high they like to climb. I'm getting pretty good at climbing myself...

We continued around the farm yard checking out all the other animals.

Meet Mama sheep...

Meet Mama sheep's baby... Isn't he/she cute? I thought I'd get a good close-up look at this little guy/girl so I got real close to the fence...things were going pretty good until Momma sheep let out a humongous baaaaa....scared the you know what out of me (let's just say I about soiled my diaper).

Here are the 3 little pigs...you know the ones from the story about the big bad wolf. The 3 little pigs houses were also at the orchard but I was still a bit frazzled from the whole Momma sheep baaing at me so I decided that I'd wait until next year to check them out.

And more silly goats...

Oh dear, hope he doesn't fall...

Guess what chickens that live at an apple orchard eat for treats?? Apple peelings, silly!! I had a hard time taking my eye off this chicken...the one with the silly hairdo.

Meet the turkeys...
I found them to be somewhat loud, wasn't too fond of all that noise.

Well isn't this a cute little house? This is where the ducks live. Look real hard and you can see the duck just inside the door.

I liked the ducks. They just quietly swam in their pond without making too much farmyard noise. I was even brave enough to go right up to the fence and watch...

Grandma Brenda likes this picture...here she did some editing to the photo. She wants to get this picture printed real big-like and hang it in her house.

Sorry, here I am again starring at this silly chicken...

Yet another goat...

A brand new, still wobbly-legged, baby goat and it's momma...

After we were done farming and feeding the animals it was time for our hay ride around the farm. Now I was pretty excited about riding on a "cocka" (tractor) but when you get right down to it, I was scared. Shhh....don't tell anyone!

The hayride took us around the orchard and out to the pumpkin patch. We already had our pumpkins bought so we didn't hop off to pick a pumpkin, but momma said maybe next year.

Here is a cute little family picking their pumpkins. Look.at.all.those.pumpkins.

After the hayride we went to the Feed Bunk and grabbed some lunch. I ordered a grilled cheese, fresh Iowa sweet corn and homemade apple sauce. Here I am drinking my apple sauce...

Last of all we went down thee biggest slippery slide I have ever seen. It was pretty high up there so I asked Momma if she wanted to go along with me. We sat on gunny sacks...




What a fun way to spend an Autumn Sunday afternoon! If you live within driving distance of Cambridge, Iowa I would highly recommend visiting the Center Grove Orchard!

Oh, I almost forgot...

they have 31 varieties of apples and the Honey Crisp apples are my new favorite snack!

Have a good day,



  1. What great pictures! Very cute. I have to say I am loving those eyelashes on Mama Sheep!

  2. Beckham, What an exciting day you had at Pumpkin Fest. I love the pictures of the animals, specially Mama Ewe. Thanks for sharing & you did a super job filling in for Grandma.


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