
My Right Hand Man...

I sent my dh off to work this morning
but not before I
helped him into his contraption...a cupless bra would be the best way to describe it.
Put his shirt on him
Helped him with his pants & belt.
Put his socks on him.
Put his shoes on him.
My right hand man
is a one handed man
for at least 4 - 6 weeks.
Did I mention he's a tad bit grumpy, too?
As I was putting his shoes on him, I mentioned that perhaps he was to the age where velcro shoes would be appropriate. He didn't seem to see the same humor in that comment as I did....
See those bright red & shiny roller blades? These are used for one of my dh various forms of exercise. A roller blade ride for the dh isn't just a little spin around the block or up and down main street. It's a 10 mile work out around the lake.
It was in those bright red & shiny roller blades he came upon a stick on the bike path cruising along at about 8 - 10 mph. Not a good combination.
End result,
broken collar bone in 2 locations.
We are hoping things heal with the figure 8 brace in 4 - 6 weeks and no surgery is required.
Hmmm....looks like just me, myself and I gets to do the raking this fall
praying for no snow for the next 2 months....
Have a good day,


  1. broken collar bone oh my. i broke mine years ago and still have trouble with it. went to acupuncture yesterday and i can't believe how much it helped the pain. good luck with dh

  2. Oh NO!! Your poor Hubby! Will pray that he heals quickly with no surgery needed.
    Will also pray for little required raking and NO SNOW!!

  3. My husband broke his collarbone when he was a teenager and he says it was no fun. Sounds like you are taking good care of him, though. Hope he heals quickly.

  4. Oh no!!! Sad face!!!! Lets hope for a healing for sure and no surgery otherwise it could be a long long winter for YOU and HIM!! Hoping for the best, Faye

  5. So very sorry for Dave. It is bad enought that you hurt,bones are broken,most of all it makes one feel so helpless.Heal fast! Julie

  6. OMGosh...what a bummer for your dh. I hope there's no surgery required! As for your wish for snow...it looks like we're going to have a bumper crop of Fall leaves this year...tell hubby he cab coach you from the sidelines & point out where you missed some ;p
    Smiles, DianeM

  7. Oh dear Brenda!!

    I am sorry to hear about Hubby's accident, and feel even more sorry to for you! My Hubby does not make a good patient at all!

    Have I told you lately how much I adore your posts and pictures that you post. I am in awe of all the you create, I truly am.

    Wooly hugs,


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