
A visit to the farm...

a funny little story.

I am still camera-less so I am borrowing these pics from my daughter's blog. These were the last pictures shot on my camera before it was left behind.

Our trip to Living History Farms...

We took a tractor ride out to the farm and visited the horses, cows, pigs, chickens & best of all the mother cat and her kittens.

Beckham loved the kitties...
the other animals, well not so much.

We gave the kitties big hugs & worked on being gentle...

and were able to put a real face to the "moo's" in our story books...

And now for the funny little story ...
Beckhams Mommy usually phones me on her days off. We just chit chat about the weather, what's for supper, about what her and the little one did for the day, what new words he is saying, or mostly just about all the funny little things a 20 month old does.

Today's phone conversation about Beckham and his little doings was so cute, I just had to share...

Mommy & Daddy were enjoying their first batch of really good Peaches & Cream sweet corn for dinner the past evening. A new experience for this little one, but he will grow up to learn that all Iowans live for this first meal of fresh picked Iowa sweet corn. Beckham started giggling as he sat and took in this sweet corn eating show his parents were performing across the table. Can't you just visualize this? Little one is giggling so hard at the parents and parents are laughing because the little one is giggling so hard at them. Not to mention butter dripping from their elbows & sweet corn and pepper hanging from their teeth! A scene from the funny farm, to say the least. Was it perhaps strange to this little one that Mommy & Daddy weren't using their forks, or perhaps that they could really use a wet wipe to wipe the butter from their noses, or maybe they reminded him of the pigs at the farm earlier visited!

Have a wonderful day,


  1. Thanks for sharing the funny corn story. I can only visualize what the scene looked like and what in deed was that little one thinking?(LOL)

  2. What an adorable little one! I wonder if he will have that blonde hair when he grows up?
    Thanks for sharing the funny corn story. I can just imagine!!


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