


My exact words as I'm heading out my back door on my way to Country Stitches.

Scared the bejeebers out of me!

Just a short 6 feet away was Bambi! Only the window screen separated us..

My windows with flower boxes,

flower boxes about Bambi's height...

You don't spose?

He wouldn't?

He wouldn't think about having a breakfast of


Would he?

Upon closer examination of my plants in the window boxes, I've decided breakfast is now over...
a breakfast of begonia blossoms.
And here all along I've been blaming the slugs...
sorry slugs.

A better shot of him through the glass portion of the window...

Oh, wait!

The tail goes up!

It must be startled by the roofers next door, I'm thinkin. The mother deer raises her tail to warn her young of danger.


Scratch that thought.

They also raise their tail to
not quite sure how to say this...

Thanks for the "present" Dear Deer. So glad you came for a visit.

Note to myself: Remember location of this "present" when I mow this afternoon...
Too many fresh garden greens will do this to ya!

Now how's that for an action shot! Sorry dear...didn't mean to scare the "you know what" out of you.
Don't mind me... just finish what you're doin' there & perhaps next time do it somewhere else, please... just want to take a quick picture of you to share with my blog friends this morning.



More deer treats?

This is a young deer, I think. Not a deer pro by any means, but judging from his fuzzy little antler stubs on the top of it's head it makes me think he is a young deer. Please tell me, was this deer just born this Spring or is it older? Look at how skinny his tummy is. He needs corn, not begonias...

I hope it isn't sick...
Seems very strange for a deer to be in our yard, in town...
Not a typical place to see these guys.

My first instincts were I must go to the farm-supply store on my way to work and buy him some corn. He looks hungry. But my better judgement tells me no as I've heard of horror stories about deers going through windows. My old house is full of big windows and I really don't need for this little fella to make a grand appearance into our home.

So off he goes to the next yard to perhaps nibble on
Iris greens...

Tis now 10:30...

I really need to leave this dear deer
& get to work,



  1. Hi Brenda:
    Thanks so much for the Deer story... you made me laugh.....I'm still laughing!!!!! I just hope he finds enough to eat......He look quite skinny....
    Have a great day, Nancy

  2. Brenda,
    Interesting deer story. In my Iowa opinion, I would say that he was born either this year or last. He still looks like a very young buck. You are right, don't feed him. He will only think that you are a resturant and come back again. Do a little research online for ways to scare deer out of your yard. I have heard about in the past about things that people put in there yards here in Iowa that help. I will do some inquiry myself and get back to you if I find anything out.
    Maybe even call the DNR in your area, since you say it is strange to see a deer in your neighborhood, maybe they can help.

  3. I think the deer population just doesn't know where to go these days... we have managed to pave and build on most of what the deer would call home. I live in an area that is close to about 8 major highways / interstates. The average property size is 50 x 150... this year I had deer nibling on my tomato plants (leaves) and last year there was a 6 point buck in our yard... there simply isn't enough land anymore...

  4. What great shots and a great story! I hope he doesn't come back to eat whatever he might have left! Can't say I've ever seen a picture of a deer doing it's business - funny!

  5. We get deer, wild turkeys, racoon, and I've even seen a silver fox, and I live in downtown Napa (California). The wildlife get pushed out of their natural habiatats, and so come into town. Including our back yards.

    No feeding as I would have been over run with all sorts of creatures.

  6. Funny story..Hope you remembered where your present was left when you cut the grass..LOL..Have a great week..

  7. We had a lot more deer in our yard before they built all of the houses around us. I can remember looking out my kitchen window seeing a momma and two babies eating the leaves off my pin oak tree. It brought back some wonderful memories. I also wanted to say thank you for the stitching tip you shared in a previous post. I had forgotten about doing my thread that way. Oh by the way, you don't want to feed the deer because they will come back if you do. Have a wonderful day.

  8. Brenda,
    Wonderful story!! My parents had a great garden, full of hostas, but no more!! They have been a buffet for a
    hungry deer and there's nothing left!!! He or she doesn't like impatients!!!
    Have a great evening!!


  9. Brenda
    Several summers back, we had an "issue" with deer snacking on nearly every blossom in our garden...someone suggested shaving a bar or two of Irish Spring soap around the plants(a box grater works great)...there is something about this particular soap scent that's not to their liking...this method continues to work for us!
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  10. Mom really? A picture of poop? Now I know where I got it from.

  11. We also have a lot of deer come to our yard - they snack on all the plants the bunnies cannot reach!!!

  12. their poop would be good food for your plants or the grass just mow it over females grow horns too so it may not be a male deer


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