
Sweet Scents & Serenade

The flower
late May...

always in full bloom

in our parts

for the
Memorial Day Weekend...

Their beautiful fragrance

can fill up a room.

This years bouquet

is in a recently acquired

vintage vase.

Late May

also means


I've been serenaded

by this little guy

all weekend.

He has been busy

hauling sticks into a birdhouse

that sits outside

my living room window.

The little house
jam~packed with sticks.

Occasionally he will take a break

from nest building

and sit upon the roof of the house

and sings
& sings...


for Jenny Wren

to arrive.

He has built her several nests

in and around the yard

to choose from.

She will approve of one

and then

the housekeeping will begin.

She will then begin

to pull some of the sticks out
(why is it that men always over~build things?)

and bring in finer materials,

such as grasses and animal hair,

and form a little cup-shaped nest

to house

her tiny little

white with reddish brown speckled eggs.

So in the meantime,

I'll enjoy

these sweet scents


of late spring~time




Miss Jenny Wren approves

of this

little house

outside my window.

Enjoy your day,


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