
What a greeting...

Wow, the perennial gardens are beginning to put on their spring-time show. I've been in Minnesota the past few days helping out my parents & back home today to find my flower beds painted in lime greens, shades of fuchsia pinks and wonderful periwinkle blues...what a pretty palette! Makes me want to go pull these colors of threads & stitch with these beautiful shades of spring.
What a wonderful welcome home...
I was greeted by my
"False Forget-Me-Knots",
by my ever favorite
"Bleeding Hearts"
a new plant planted last spring
(whose name escapes me...anyone know?)
love it's polka dotted leaves!

The crab apple trees and red buds will be in full bloom by weeks end. Everything is blooming a bit earlier this year. These trees usually bloom here around Mother's Day Weekend, so we are a bit early. With the blooming of these trees comes the arrival of the Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks and Baltimore Orioles. I'm off to buy some safflower, fresh oranges and grape jam to welcome these springtime visitors of ours...must be ready for them when they arrive!

My most favorite time of year...soon to be here in a day or so!

Have a good week,


  1. I was also in my garden today here in Pa. which to my suprise the colors are starting to pop..Once I cleared off leaves from last fall,that I use as a covering for protection for the winter, I too found my forget me nots, lilly of the valley and others..Have a great rest of the day and I really enjoy your blog..

  2. I love your flowers, they are beautiful.
    I finally started redigging the areas around my fence, but now we have rain again. Wish I had been able to finish and see it, before the rains.


  3. The last plant is Lungwort, it's definitely prettier than it's name!


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