
Fly away home...

It was the night before my mothers surgery and I needed to be up well before the birds the next morning to make the drive to the hospital. I wanted to be there before she went into surgery. I had to be up at 4:00 am & on the road by 4:45. I never use the alarm clock. I awake to the sun kissing my forehead, the woodpeckers drumming on our chimney, or squirrels frolicking upon our roof...not an alarm clock.

Truth be told, I don't even know how to set our alarm clock...
I must have been feeling very "high techy" that night, so I decided to set the alarm clock on my cell phone...a first for me! So I went to bed that evening with my cell phone at my bedside...geesh, just like the kids! Since I had never used this type of "high tech" alarm clock before, I was a bit concerned that I set everything properly. I guess we'll find out in the morning, I thought, as I climbed into bed.

The alarm when off at 4:00 am and I was off to get ready and then make the trip to the hospital. My mother had been told a few days earlier she had cancer, my mind was occupied on this morning as I showered. I kept thinking all of these "what ifs"...
I'm curling my hair, trying to see myself in the mirror through big crocodile tears...I am scared about everything that is going to happen on this day.
I then hear this noise on the wall to my left.
I put my glasses on to get a better look...

It was a ladybug.

Not just any lady, this was the big fat type that we don't see too many of anymore. The type we saw when we were little kids...not the stinky Asian Beetles that have now become our lady bugs.
I immediately thought what my Mother would tell us as youngsters. In the early springtime, we'd find these in the windowsills of our old farmhouse. Being frightened of them, Mother would tell us not to harm them as they would bring us good luck.

A sense of calmness came upon me immediately...

I felt better now that I had a visit from this sweet little ladybug!
I just stood there and watched it crawl up towards the mirror.
Not realizing that I carried my phone into the bathroom with me, I looked down on the counter and saw my phone. I knew I had to share this sign of good luck with my sister's and dad at the hospital...so I snapped a picture.
I never take my cell phone into the bathroom with me...let alone taking pictures with it, in the bathroom of all places! But this morning was different...

My mother was full of various superstitions, folklore, old wives tales...whatever you want to call them. She had many more then just the ladybug good luck story. Each New Years Day morning she calls to wish us a "Happy New Years" and to remind us not to eat chicken on this day. She tells us the story of how chickens scratch backwards in the dirt and if you eat chicken on this day you will go backwards all year! This has been an annual phone call my whole entire married life & still love getting this call...she's so cute!

Mom has now been home from the hospital for almost a week, getting stronger with each passing day. My sisters & I are taking turns staying with my parents to cook meals, do laundry & take her to her doctor appointments. My turn begins midweek...looking forward to spending time at home and perhaps I might even share my ladybug story with Mom...

I don't have any life-time experiences to share with you in regards to my Mother's "Chicken on New Years theory" yet, but have thought about this ladybug quite a bit these past 3 plus weeks. Her recovery has been sort of a bumpy road. When we hit a bump in the road, I say a little prayer & think of the ladybug on my bathroom wall...

Have a good week,



  1. What a great story! I think you need to add a cute, fat, ladybug to your next design. :->

    I hope your mother is feeling better each day. Enjoy your time with her this coming week and yes, you should share the ladybug story with her!

  2. You're lucky to have sisters to help shoulder the load. You'll do fine and prob enjoy the time with your folks too! Sincere Get Well wishes for your Mom.

  3. What a great story, I believe in signs and such things like that. I am am happy to hear your mom is doing well and I pray that she continues to grow stronger with each passing day.

  4. I agree with Patti! Get out your pens and pencils and start designing a ladybug stitch! I would be first in line to buy that one as Iove them. Glad to hear your Mom is doing well .prayers to all of you

  5. Wishing your Mom strength with each new day. It's so great that you and your sisters can share in caring for your parents....it's a blessing!

  6. Brenda, I hope your mom continues to grow stronger. I am glad you are near her so that you can help out. What a blessing for all of you.

  7. What a GREAT story! Sometimes all the answers are right in front of us... we just need to slow down enough to see them!

  8. What a wonderful story. I have always heard that ladybugs in the house bring good luck also. I will keep you, your mother and entire family in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. What a sweet story! Here's to your mother feeling stronger every day! I agree with Patti - I think a ladybug deserves a place in your next design! How about a sampler that encompasses all those old tales?

  10. Nice story. Best wishes for a sunny future.

  11. Brenda, thanks for the story. You made me feel better.
    Today, I got up very early to take my Mother for a major Heart Test.
    I don't have siblings living close by to help. It's tough at times, but rewarding too.
    I hope your Mother gets through this major bump in the road.
    I'm with the other gals, We need a new Ladybug pattern.


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