
The dreaded word...


My mother will be undergoing surgery Friday AM to remove a mass in her colon.
We received the shocking phone call on Tuesday afternoon. The numbness and the whole "this can't be happening thing" is starting to wear off and the reality of it all is beginning to sink in...
We are praying for the successful removal of the cancer and a benign lymph node biopsy report to follow.

If you have a moment, please say a little prayer for Millie. Thank you!


  1. Too shocking...too scary but God is right there with you and your family. Lean on Him. dianntha

  2. I will be praying for a successful surgery and quick recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    Take care~Becky

  3. Brenda,

    It is very scary to hear the "c" word when it hits someone in your family. Be assured, that while it may not seem so, God is definitely in control and can do amazing things. My mom and my grandmother both were diagnosed with colon cancer 2 mos. apart in 1999. Both had resections. Mom is now 74 and her mom will be 99 next week. The surgeons/gastro. specialists can do great work. Milly is now on my prayer list and so are you. I totally know how you feel and what you're going through. While I have been following your blog for some time as well as ordering from you, I feel as though I have come to know you as a neighbor.

    Wendy, Reynoldsburg, OH

  4. I'll be sending good thoughts and prayers for your mother. I'm so sorry to hear this news. Cancer is such a scary word.

  5. I hope and Pray for a good result!
    My Mother had a mini stroke last week. It's hard, Hang in there.
    Love, and Prayers coming your way!

  6. I hope all goes well with the surgery and that the test results come back OK. I will keep your family in my prayers.

  7. My thoughts will be with you and your mom. I pray that all goes well.
    Keep positive.

  8. your mother and you are in my prayers

  9. Prayers from NC to Millie!!! Please keep us posted....

  10. Your mother and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. They can do so much more today then what they could do in the past. Keep us posted on her progress.

  11. Brenda,
    Your mom and your family will be in my prayers.


  12. My fingers are crossed that things will go well for your mother. My mother was diagnosed with colon cancer back in 2004, so I know how shocking it is to hear the "c" word. I will be praying for you and your mother and to a quick and speedy recovery. Let us know how things go tomorrow. Take care....

  13. My Mom is a 36-year colon cancer survivor. She had colon cancer in 1974. She's now 85. My thoughts are with you, your mother and your family.

    Starlight Primitives

  14. Sending good thoughts and prayers to you and your mother. My father had a malignant tumor removed from his colon quite a few years ago. We were all so scared, but he came through it fine, went through chemo and radiation, and is now 89 years old.

    I hope all goes well and your mother has a quick recovery.


  15. Hoping that all goes well for your dear mother. My thoughts are with you.

  16. Brenda, Hopeing all goes well for your mom today. Sending prayers for your family........Nancy

  17. You bet we'll be praying for her! God bless you and your family!


  18. So sorry to hear this news - sending prayers for your and your family from PA. God Bless!


  19. Your sweet mom is in my prayers,
    and also, you...

  20. Your family is in my prayers. Cancer is a scary thing, but our Mighty God does not Scare.
    My grand mother had a colostomy and lived 15 years after that.
    blessings Katie

  21. Brenda, I will be thinking and praying for your Mom and your family.
    Margaret B

  22. Thoughts and prayers headed your way!

  23. Oh, Brenda! I'll be praying for her as well as your entire family.


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