
Goodbye snowmen...

hello Spring?

I usually keep my snowmen decorations out through February. After all, if you live in Iowa, you are very aware that there is lots of winter left...so the snowmen decorations are still appropriate.

BUT... since we are up to our eyeballs in snow outside this year, I've had enough of my snowmen...don't really care to look at another snowman for a very long time, so I packed them up a bit earlier this year...

I am yearning for trickling water, the first robin sighting, tulips poking through the earth, pussy willows in bloom, bunnies, baby chicks and just the smell of spring-time mud...
I have noticed
the goldfinches that frequent my feeders are beginning to show more yellow in their feathers...

I've heard chickadees fee-beeing,

woodpeckers drumming

cardinals singing their courting songs...

Springs earliest babies, the squirrel, will be born in just a few weeks.

the Great Horned owls are already on eggs.

The sun is growing stronger and our days are considerably longer.

Mother nature is beginning to "hint" that spring is coming, just look & listen closely.
Until then, I'll hold onto that thought
as I trudge through thigh deep snow to feed our feathered creatures...

Looking forward to Spring,


  1. Thank you for sharing your lovely spring decorations! I too hope to clean up the house this week and decorate in anticipation of spring!

  2. Lovely decorations!!! What beautiful eye candy, I long for spring, too!!! Do you think it will ever get here (soon enough)????

  3. Spring can't come any to soon to suit me. when I left for work this morning it was a -15 windchill. The streets were in the worse condition I have ever seen them in and it wasn't because of the blowing snow. We didn't get that much. They had some bad wrecks in Kansas City. I worried because my son-in-law was down there, but he made it home safe and sound. Your pictures really make me think of spring. I have a question, your embroidery thread that you have can you use it for regular hand embroidery. You have some beautiful colors.

  4. I love your pictures! Thanks for sharing.

    Love, Ria

  5. You just brought sunshine into my day today! What lovely spring decorations. I usually always leave my snowmen out until I put up my spring decorations, but I, too, couldn't look at them one more minute, and away they went last week.

  6. Thanks so much for the encouragement that spring will soon be here. We are beginning to see signs here in the South...the jonquils are peeping out and the robins are back.

  7. Enjoyed your home decor! I am looking at snow also & long for some green grass.


  8. I LOVE your bunnies!!


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