
Saturday hoops

with G-ma & G-pa and not too much to smile about...

It's a wet & rainy Saturday and Mommy says the ISU vs. KU basketball game is a sell out and it would be easier if I stayed home with Grandma & Grandpa Gervais.

Can you b-e-l-i-e-v-e

Doesn't Mom know this is Kansas, thee third rated team in the nation and I really need to see this game in person??
Momma is lucky this game is televised or I'd be really upset.
So I guess it's just me and the remote and Grandpa and Grandma too.
Grandpa seems to be a bit more tuned into the game then Grandma is...
she's got that camera out again & right in my face!

The Cyclones are down by 10, doesn't look good.
Think I need my paci...
makes me feel better about this game I'm watching.
Come on guys play some defense...
My paci comforts me and eases my stress from the fact that my Cyclones are now down by 12. Boy, I bet Daddy is really upset...probably biting his fingernails! He could probably use my paci about right now...
Where's the foul ref??

Grandma keeps taking my pacifier out and has that camera pointed right at me again. She wants me to smile...
Geesshhh Grandma, will you please pay attention to the game!

I need my paci, my teams getting beat & there is really nothing to smile about at the moment Grandma...
Come on guys, set up your offense & run it!

Good grief,
now she's taking pictures of my feet...
That was not a good shot...

Now she is taking off my socks...
Follow your shot, rebound!

Now she's telling me I have cute toes, she calls them little piggies. Wish she'd quite buggin' me, I've got a game to watch.

I know what her plans are...
she thinks she's going to tickle my toes or sing that "little piggy went to the market" song to get me to smile for the camera.

Come on ref... he walked with the ball!

Okay, I've had it with Grandma and that camera!
She wants to see a smile...
I'll give her a BIG smile!

I'll need to give up my paci for a bit though...
Pardon me...I feel a tickle in my nose,

Grandma is now yelling frantically at Grandpa to get a Kleenex, & telling him to hurry up.
Oh this is good & this is so funny...
I'm not only smiling I am giggling as hard as I can! I've never seen Grandpa move so quick...
(Due to the graphic nature of the next picture, those of you with sensitive stomachs should stop reading now.)
Really....don't say I didn't warn you!

Here is your smile you've been waiting for ...

Sometimes you gotta take what you can get Grandma!


  1. Oh Brenda, He is so cute !!! I know you just love him to death. I do my grandbabies !!!

  2. Beckham you are soooo darn cute - I can't help myself - I have read your blog three times today, and the day is not over.
    Your great aunt Sandra.

  3. Great narrative! How cute! I'm so glad I discovered your blog...and I'm glad you are an ISU fan! The crowd was impressive on TV. Seeing Hilton in HD is a treat! I miss those big KU games. I was in Ames during the Johnny Orr era.

  4. Linda,
    We lived in University Village with our 2 small children during the Johnny Orr era. I got goose bumps everytime he walked onto the court to the "here's johnny" song, pumping those fists up into the air...


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