
I've hit the wall...

I am sick of winter!!!!!
I'm just putting the final touches of makeup on for the day before heading into Country Stitches and I hear that loud noise...
I know that noise...
the dreaded noise of that big yellow road grater.

Now this isn't our typical city snow plow...this is a big time toy!

My first thought was to run outside and stand in my driveway. I could hope "he" sees me and out of the kindness of his heart, lifts the blade. The hair was done, makeup was on but I was waiting for the iron to heat up so I wasn't totally dressed...if you know what I mean?? So let's just say I wasn't totally presentable...so instead I stood and watched out the window and said a swear word or two, or three or maybe it was four....
You see, "they" come along after your driveway has been blown out...always a given. Their blades not on the street mind you, but up on your parking and with the blink of an eye you have
Mt. Everest at the end of your driveway. Any plans of going to work anytime soon are gone...

Have I mentioned I'm sick of winter???

Don't "they" think people need to get to work? Our neighbor (who is a surgeon) is currently out in his driveway in his little hospital scrubs (brrrr) chucking frozen boulders of snow by hand...can't even scoop the stuff! As for the patient...hopefully it isn't anything too pressing as doc is going to be late today!

So I guess I will spend another day at home working on Easter designs & hopefully the bright cheery colors of the season will help brighten my day!

Snowed In,
P.S. as for the photo above...I can't take credit for this but you know that winter is getting long & cold when this is the stuff your friends email you.


  1. Oh no! When I lived back East, I actually have done that when I have heard the snow plow coming--- it doesn't work at all. :(
    Here in northern Michigan they use plows that have blades underneath the truck, so that hasn't happened yet. I'm sorry that that incident has changed your plans.
    Oh a cheerful note, your new blog layout looks very nice. I love the red and white.
    I hope you have a great rest of the day!

  2. Brenda,
    It's way too early to be sick of winter, at least here in Michigan. Looking forward to your new Easter designs.

  3. Oh my. . . !. . . thank you for posting that photo. . . it made me laugh so! Actually, I feel a little left out of all the snowy wonderfulness when folks begin posting the winter photos. . . but living in the southwest. . . we only get an occasional dusting . . . & I often wish that we could be snowed in. . . But then I read posts like yours, & I know that I need to count my blessings! Hope you get lots done today. . . snuggled & warm at home! (I think being surrounded by Easter designs is perfect!)
    xo, Bren

  4. Love your photo and the road grader story. Reminded me of similar experiences when I lived in Iowa. We got barely a flake of the 2" of snow predicted for us in my area of Georgia. It is VERY cold however, for us anyway!

  5. That picture is so funny! I keep wishing for snow - we haven't had any - but after reading your post maybe I should be thankful!

  6. I am laughing - not because I find it funny, but more in that sick twisted know where you are coming from kind of way! I too have cursed at the plow trucks - it was really bad a few weeks ago when we cleared out from 23" and then the plows decided to come through our neighborhood!

    Love the snowman pic - laughing is good therapy right now - thanks for sharing.

  7. It sounds awful. Love the picture. We are having a heat wave at the moment. I'd be quite happy for a lot of the heat to find its way to you.

  8. That's why I live in the south! If I had to put up with much snow I'd be just like the snowman. What a great photo! It reminds me of a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon.

    Hang in there!

  9. Such a funny picture...I totally understand, all that shoveling gets pretty old fast.
    Keep warm.

  10. That picture is so funny...I'm still chuckling :) I'm living in GA and don't have snow...I'm happy but my hubby is wishing for snow...but after seing all this problems with having snow...I'm glad we don't have one :)

  11. Love your picture at the top. What a great friend, at least your not alone in being tired of winter. Hope you didn't have to join your surgeon neighbor in ice chunk chucking.
    I work in surgery, so now when a surgeon is late I will think of your neighbor out in the drive, as I live in Iowa and your experience with the plow is the same for everyone. Stay warm and looking forward to see what spring colors inspire in you.

  12. This is one of the funniest winter pictures I have ever seen. I have shared the emotional many times, too. Right now, we are almost snow free, but to get there, we get fog and drizzly stuff. Gray, ugly days, but I'm not complaining. At least the ground didn't shake, and my house is warm and all in one piece.


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