
I'm trying...

my best

to finish "Mary's Best Handework Samplar"
before we turn the calendar page...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I awoke this morning at 5:30 and settled into my stitching chair that is now lined with snippets of threads of various shades of reds, greens, dusty blues & drabby browns. This seems to be my nesting place as of late...

I love to get up with the birds and stitch in the peace & quietness of the early morn. Just me, my needle & thread and our furry child that is running around the house enjoying little treasures he has found overnight ...

This morning as I was stitching, I heard the male cardinal in the crab apple tree outside my window singing his courting song...
an early February occurrence in our parts.
His song goes something like this...
ohhhhh birdie, birdie, birdie, birdie, birdie, birdie, birdie
then it starts all over again. Sorry, singing hasn't ever been one of my strengths!
Sweet notes to my ears...
a gentle reminder that spring will come!

With thy Needle & Thread,


  1. I love to hear cardinals singing birdie! We are having snow this morning and I have been watching the birds at the feeders. Mr. Cardinal is stunning in the snow!

  2. Oh my gosh, the colors in your new sampler are gorgeous! My living room and bedroom are both decorated in dusty pink, mauve and sage green...I will definitely be stitching this one! Can't wait to see it finished. Your stitching experience this morning sounds heavenly.

  3. I love that sampler! I can't wait to see a picture of it in it's entirety. I've seen a few cardinals around here, but I think it's been too cold for them to utter a word!! They are so pretty to see though with all the winter bleakness.

  4. Looks beautiful...can't wait to see it finished. pj

  5. Oh, you are a tease! I can't wait to see that sampler!!

    I love cardinals, we have a pair that come by every morning. Such beauty on a cold winter day!

  6. This looks like a very pretty sampler! Can't wait to see the rest. Aren't early morning stitching hours so enjoyable?

  7. I was listening to our cardinals at lunch today!

    Love the sneeks of the new sampler - can't wait to see the entire piece!

  8. This is looking wonderful! Another must have. I'm so glad I found your designs, I love them!!!

  9. Sounds like a wonderful start to the day!

  10. I just love the name of this sampler and from what I can see it will be a must stitch.
    I love the colours you are using.


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