
A Kodak Moment...

During my "pre-grandma" days I always told myself I wasn't going to be that "over proud" grandma... the one that bores her coffee friends with the latest pictures of the grandchildren, or the grandma that wears the grandchildren around her neck, or the grandma that wears the grandchildren on her lapel, or on her key chain....

Well...I am there....I am officially a member of the "over proud grandma's club" & I'm lovin' it!

So please bear with me....

I happened to be visiting daughter Erin's on the day she took Beckham to get his pictures taken. She had them done at Photo Innovations...my, a bit different process from the days when I took his mommy & uncle Matthew to J.C. Penney's for Pixie Picture Day! Remember those days, when a lady with her box-style camera, tinfoil umbrella, couple of lights, complete with carpeted boxes would set up shop in the kids clothing section at J.C.Penny's.... Slightly different approach at Photo Innovations! There are various rooms set up with large flat screens on the walls. Another room houses the photo lab, complete with a "ginormous" printer. Once the picture session is complete, the photos are digitally downloaded onto the flat screen and then Mommy has to choose which pictures she wants and which ones she wants to eliminate. Tough, tough task for a mother, did I mention tough task!?? Twenty minutes later I drop Mommy off at Photo Innovations to pick up her packet of finished pictures. She plops down into the car seat and screams "What am I going to do with all of these pictures...what was I thinking?" I think any mother out there can relate to that moment... I laughed, reassured her I had done the same thing not once, but several times over!

So when it was time for me to head back home she had many many pictures to send home with me. Just want to share a few of my favorites with you....

There is this one....

This is my little CEO! Sitting in a little faux leather office-type chair in his little oxford shirt. With his sleeves rolled up, doesn't he look like he is ready to solve all of GM's problems or maybe even Fanny Mae's or Freddy Mac's???

Then there is this one....

During this photo shoot Beckham insisted on either chewing on the sheer blue cloth that he was sitting in or sticking his tongue out. With the H1N1 flu pandemic scare all over in the news, I could tell this session couldn't get over quick enough for the nurse Mommy!

Then another one....

His Mommy's favorite!

Ahh, yes...then there is this one...

You know how sometimes for a split second you see/experience a Kodak moment and you wish you had the camera to capture it??? Well I had this moment during this photo shoot. Grandma had to help out a bit with this picture. Beckham sat on a chair like a big boy with the help of Grandma holding him around the waist....they just cropped me out, thank heavens for the cropping tool! Now visualize me facing the lady taking the photo and mommy quacking the little duck to make Beckham smile. That little ducky was going quack, quack, whack, whack, quack, quack (literally quacking his little fuzzy yellow head off)...Beckham is smiling from ear to ear and I look up at Mommy and the look on her face was PRICELESS! Definitely a Kodak moment that got missed but will be etched in Grandma's memory for a very very long time!

off to coffee with a friend with new photos in hand (she'll understand, she's a grandma too),


  1. How can you not be a "proud Grandma" with a sweet littel baby like that. He is a doll... My friends takes her kids to kiddie Camera, I think. So many neat options, her pictures are always awesome.
    Thanks for the pictures

  2. Wonderful pictures and yes I'm a proud Grandma too!

  3. It feels good to be a proud grandma, join the club. I just posted pictures of my great grand babies, take a look if you want.

  4. Brenda ~
    I'm a proud grandma of one and his baby brother is due in August. Even my husband takes pics to work with him to show the ladies. How can we not be proud of precious little dolls like your lil grandson. Love your blog, your store, and your patterns. I made the fat Easter bunny & sold him right away. I'm due to order more patterns.


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