
NEW 2018 Holiday Cross Stitch is Here!

And just like that, another design year has come to an end!  These are my last releases for the year 2018.  This series of holiday charts are ready and waiting to get you into the holiday stitching spirit!  

Winter in Baltimore is the 4th and final in this series.  Worked over 1 linen thread on 28 count Lugana and then finished onto a small oval mache box for a lovely finish.  The pattern will also instruct you how to turn a new bottlebrush tree into a lovely faded green tree that looks like an antique one!  Mache' boxes and bottlebrush trees can be purchased at here.
 X X X X X 

Basketful of Winter Time is the 4th and final chart to this seasonal series!  Worked in a bit of a different color palette then I typically use, I liked the end results and hope you all do as well!
X X X X X 

Candy Cane Wishes is worked on a lovely, minty green linen and is a perfect background for this sweet little snowman fella and his cardinal friends!  Finished on a small oval mache box.  Box and minty green linen can be found here.
X X X X X 

 The mice are back in the house!  These sweet little field mice are busy with their holiday baking....Plum Pudding for all their field mice friends.
X X X X X 

 According to the wooly caterpillar, we are in for a cold winter here in NW Iowa.  With lots of cold and snow in the forecast, Frosty and his cardinal friend are ready....wooly scarves and snow boots will be required!  All Bundled Up! and ready for winter!

With thy Needle &Thread,


  1. Just placed my order! Love these designs!

  2. WOW! They're all SO cute!!! Cathryn

  3. always exciting to see a post from WTNT. Love the snowman and the Basket full of Winter.

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    For or against vaccines is not the issue. UNLICENSED coronavirus vaccine/ any vaccine or drug is another matter!?

    This could be your health, perhaps even your life at stake.

    Guarded exemption immunity of liability from being able to do anything against pharmaceutical companies, government , or individuals if things go terribly wrong!? Same possibly worldwide.

    Do not forget under BG/ WHO instruction the intention is to vaccinate EVERY person on the planet ,eventually.

    Please look and give your opinion but hurry time is running out.


    This was published on the UK governments home web page only 4 days before they ordered lockdown, the UK covid19 status remains the same and has done all throughout the lockdown and is still the same status today !

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