
A little girl named Pepita

While stitching on my newest piece,
my thoughts of a little girl named
and her story
come to mind...

According to old Mexican legend,
Pepita was a poor little Mexican girl.  
She was sad because she had no gift to share.
on Christmas Eve.
  Her cousin Pedro reassured her that any gift,
 no matter its size,
 is a gift
 when given 
with love. 

 She bent over and picked a bundle of weeds and formed a bouquet. 
 The bouquet would be her gift. 
 She placed the bundle of weeds at the base of a nativity scene.  
The weeds would eventually burst into bright red flowers,
 "Flores de Noche Buena", 
or "Flowers of the Holy Night"
or what we know as the Poinsettia.
This is how the 
came together.  

On this upcoming sampler,
you'll find tall pewter urns filled with poinsettias,
 a favorite Christmas verse,
horse and sleigh,
a pine forest,
cozy little houses with smoking chimneys,
a sweet little dame and her gentleman,
whose arms are filled with small gifts.

"The gift is small,
love is all"

With thy Needle & Thread,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the stories behind the designs!

  3. You're such a tease, now how are we suppose to wait for that!!

    Love the new designs, wish I could stitch as fast as I can type. I could do them all.

  4. Oh it is going to be beautiful. And a sleigh! and flowers! Can't wait to see it!

  5. Wow, what a lovely story and you make it in to a sweet pattern for all to see! Can not wait! Hugs from Holland,

  6. Brenda, wishing it was in my mailbox today! Sounds like the perfect stitch for the season and I love the meaning!

  7. You have really piqued my interest in the new pattern you are working on. It sounds wonderful; so many great parts - can't wait to see it. I love everything you create! Happy stitching.

    Pam in KS

  8. Beautiful ~ can't wait to see it finished!


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