
Ready? Set! Go!

How many of you have your Olympic needlework ready? 
 For me the Olympics and needlework go hand in hand. 
 I am so looking forward to spending the next 16 evenings 
watching the Olympics
 and stitching.

I will be working on an antique that I am reproducing. 
 It was my New Years Day start 
and will now turn into my 
2014 Olympics stitch...

This evening I will fill in those cute little "honey-combed flowers" with Pomegranate floss
and move onto the next flower motif.

 Of my collection of antique samplers,
 this sampler is worked by the youngest girl. 
 Mary was just 7 years old.

Overall, Mary did good work.
Her outer border was always consistent from one repeat to the next
and the backside is pretty neat.
She did have a little spacing issue with her verse
in the center cartouche'.
Some words are extending beyond it's border.
I have charted the sampler just as Mary stitched it.
My verse too will extend beyond it's border. ;)

Just look at that face...
isn't it a hoot?

The color palette on this piece is such fun,
I love the colors!
 If you have,
 or are 
working the Harriette Coe sampler,
 this piece will coordinately lovely with that sampler,
 as many of the same threads are used on both pieces.

And just like the Harriette Coe sampler, 
this one too,
 has cute little dog motifs for all you dog lovers!
How's that for a cute little dog?

What is your Olympic stitch? 
 I'd love to hear!

With thy Needle & Thread,


  1. Love those little honey combed flowers:)My Olympic stitch is finishing a piece of yours, "Mary's Best Handework". It won't take long to get it finished and then I plan to start Valentine Sampler. Love your patterns:)

  2. Beautiful Colors Brenda. I play to watch the Olympics and stitch on The Snooty Parrot by Barbara Ana and maybe stitch on a copy of works in process.

  3. I've been knitting like crazy and decided yesterday that I've had enough. I'll be cross stitching, too; but nothing as cute as what you are working on!

  4. It looks darling :)
    I haven't decided what my Olympics stitch shall be yet :)

  5. I'm from the Netherlands and I have a old magazine Ariadne.
    There I found rug with sampler motives.
    I go to make a sampler of it!
    Go to see my blog, its a lovely piece!


    Happy stitching, Evelyne

  6. I will be stitching your "Paper Snowflakes"

  7. I'll need to get busy and pick out an Olympics stitch..... More than likely, it will be one of yours!!!!!

  8. Oh so pretty...lovely colors too.

  9. I'm doing Laura J Perin's Christmas Tree 2001. The canvas is stretched and tacked to the frame. Tomorrow I am doing a quilt class at the AQS show here in Phoenix. The tree is reminiscent of those seen in samplers so I couldn't resist. It is a hand applique wall hanging.

  10. Sorry that should be 2011 not 2001.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. What is the name of your pattern that you are stitching. The one with honey combed flowers? Very cute and something I'm looking to do.




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