
Why do I?

Save the worst for last...
anyone else?
I always save the over 1 for last when I stitch.
Or I start it, work on a few letters,
 and then move onto
something more fun to stitch...
such as pretty little flowers
or pretty little birds.
Then the day comes when all the pretty little things are stitched,
and the over 1's are all there is to stitch...
then they don't seem quite so bad.
 Well, I do the same thing when I'm charting a reproduction. 
 See that verse?  
I have 3 lines left to chart and then I'm done charting.
 Love the border on this A&E sampler...
This tree was also very challenging to chart. 
Upon closer inspection on the backside of the piece,
 I noted that the branches and leaves are not the same color of floss, just a shade difference...
are your eyes crossing yet?!! 
  The leaves are all differently shaped
and sort of bump into each other. 
 My eyes had a hard time,
 it just looked like a glob of green. 
 It was a challenge to say the least,,
 and I did the happy dance
 when that part of the chart was finished. 
Tiny little birds worked over 1,
 perched on either side of the tree, love their cute little pink bottoms!
 There are lots of birds on this sampler,
tis maybe why I was drawn to it...
or maybe its all the reds,
or maybe it's the big house.
Could be all of the above.
  The antique sampler is worked in wools.
  I should stitch it in wool,
 I know. 
 It's just me...
I don't like to wear wool or stitch with it...
it just makes me think "itchy"!! 
  I've decided to work the reproduction in Gloriana silks
as there was a silk in every color that I needed...this doesn't always happen!
   The color palette is absolutely gorgeous!
  This little bundle of silk flosses
 have been graciously calling me to stitch for several months now.
   I haven't picked up a needle for a couple of weeks.
  My eyes and hands needed the break...
After a little stitching rest, Agassi and I both feel refreshed and ready to go again.
I really DO need to put a stop to this...
or I'll be coughing up a fur ball one day,
 he is so cute
and he shares the same passion as I...
With thy Needle & Thread,


  1. Because we're gluttons for punishment!!!

    The sampler looks great and I would take working with Gloriana silks any day over most things haha.

    Your cat looks so sweet and comfy in that box of floss :) I wouldn't have it any other way.

  2. I can already tell this is gonna be another must stitch for me, Brenda! It has all my favorite colors and an A&E and birds and an over one verse - love it all! Can't wait for the big release.

  3. Gorgeous, gorgeous both in colours and design! Can't wait!

  4. As my grandma always said, I can see my pocket book will be empty again! Love the silks! Baby kitty is precious too! We do have a passion for stitching!!! Can't wait to see it!!!

  5. I cannot wait for this one!! I had to do alot of over one on the 1815 Margaret Mathews Sampler by Sheepish Designs was painless.
    Got your market design already placed with Darma

  6. This is going to be a fabulous sampler! Beautiful.
    Agassi is a gorgeous kitty and he looks so precious in with your threads. How could you say no?

  7. The colors in this sampler are just amazing! And I have to agree, when I think "wool", I suddenly feel the need to scratch...lol. And Agassi? well, that little man could sleep anywhere in my home..adorable!

  8. I think everyone needs a stitching assistant and Agassi is perfect for the job...Mary A

  9. Wow I do love that bundle of silk - great colors. I agree, would rather work with the silks than wool. This sampler is looking great!

  10. I love the Gentle Arts wool. Any chance you would include a conversion?

  11. Lol! I do the same thing with my 1 over 1. Right now I'm working on a sampler and doing everything else but the 1 over 1. I think this sampler will be gorgeous! Can't wait to see the finished design!


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