
Christmas in July...

and a finish is insight!
You may remember the below photo from a posting from last fall.
I started this sampler last year
and I see a finish insight
this week.
Took me a year to finish,
not because of the size
sometimes life gets in the way and it got set aside.
It's just been waiting in the pocket of my stitching bag,
waiting it's turn...
I pulled it back out a week ago
and it is really turning into a beautiful Christmas sampler.

Maybe it is those pretty little snowflakes
on these hot hot summer days that I like stitching...
maybe it's those pretty flosses of shades of peppermint pinks, holly berry reds and pine greens
that sing to me...
Maybe it is the "mish-mash patchworky" border ...
Couldn't decide upon which border I liked best,
so I made the easy decision to use all three!

As Bob Ross would say,
the sampler has many "happy little trees"
or was it "pretty little trees"?
 Trees carefully placed in a fashion that  make bigger trees...
Do you see?

Fruit baskets filled with shiny red and golden delicious apples...
they are their best at holiday time!
Mmmm, can you smell them?
Shiny delicious apples and popcorn balls was the dessert
at Grammy and Grandpas house on Christmas Eve,
 every year.
I was reminded of those family gatherings
 as I stitched,
one apple

Its been a fun stitch,
I will be sad to stitch it's last stitch;
happy to have a finish!
Those are the best sort of finishes,
don't you agree?
With thy Needle & Thread,


  1. Looks like it will be a winner! Hope it will be available soon so it can be ready to enjoy for the holiday! Love your designs...

  2. Sure do love what I'm seeing there! The colors are beautiful, and I think it will be one that I will want to stitch up for the holidays!

  3. Lovely and a fantastic finish! Greetings

  4. beautiful! love the motifs and the colors. Can't wait for the pattern.

  5. Looking forward to doing this, love all the elements and Oh my what luscious colours.

  6. I love every little part! Can't wait to see I can not wait to see the whole pattern!!! I can already order it!

  7. That is a beautiful sampler! You;re inspiring me to get out my floss and linen and get back to work on some of my "resting" projects! So many wonderful things to do... so little time!

  8. I agree...I have some sals started and I plan to finish them...I hope I will...I plan to start a pretty sampler,too...but just when I finish my started sals...
    Your sampler is very pretty.:) Congrats.:)

  9. This one is really interesting to me... As I was reading through I thought it was an already existing pattern that I missed. I am thinking how did I miss this one.:)

  10. Very pretty and nostalgic. Love the colors and the sentiment behind some of the elements. A winer for sure!

  11. It was "happy liitle trees" :) I am bustin' with adjectives to try and describe how lovely the sampler and it's colors are! Of course I am a sucker for your presentations!! I cannot wait to see the completed piece. As always thank you for sharing your wonderful gift of design.

  12. I can't wait for this one. It is so pretty.


  13. love it!! is it available yet? i want it . denise

  14. It was "Happy little trees". Gorgeous Christmas sampler you've designed. It is soo calling my name:)
    love Annette

  15. Everything about this sampler speaks to me! I love the "happy trees" and snowflakes and the memories of popcorn balls. We always had one in the toe of our stockings wrapped in pretty green cellophane!

    Thanks for another great sampler!

  16. Oh, so beautiful and beautifully stitched! I am so excited to see it all finished! I have ....many cross stitch things in my head and too many partially done. But one in particular I'd like to finish, a wedding sampler what will really be an anniversary sample for my hubby and I...it will be 33 years next February...do you think I could get it finished???? Hmmmm I I have so many things and I have a hard time prioritizing, I want to do everything NOW!!!
    Your sampler is very inspiring for me! Mine is a cream on cream alphabet sampler from a 1989 Cross Stitch and Country Crafts magazine. It has many decorative stitches and is a very full sampler. I even have the frame that was sold in the magazine to frame it in....thanks for the inspiration!

  17. AND I love the colors of your sampler, perfect for a Christmas Sampler!

  18. OMG! This is gorgeous, another winner!!! I can hardly wait until it comes out, I was in my LNS today and told them about it...LOL. I told them I "stalk" your blog...
    A must have for sure, love all the motifs and the colors are great.
    I am presently working on Frances Pool, about half done and loving every minute of it...thank you for your wonderful designs.
    Judy in Kansas

  19. Oh I love it!!! When will it be released? I want one. Would love to make now for Christmas.

  20. Such a sweet little stitch! My life has been leading away from any stitching...maybe I am done stitching period. But it is so pretty!

  21. votre sampler est magnifique ! j'attends avec impatience de pouvoir le broder .
    merci aussi pour son histoire

  22. What a pretty sampler! The baskets of apples, the deer and that adorable bird all appeal to me. I love it!
    I look forward to its release in the near future I hope.

  23. Glad to hear this design is coming along Brenda ~ you've teased us over the past year on this one, but in a good way lol.


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