

It's a fresh spring morning here...
sun is shining and everything is glowing green.
Our summer-time guests have arrived... 
Things are all beginning to bud out,
the trees are beginning to have that "lacy look".
The yard is filled with all sorts of critters,
out and about,
enjoying the morning air,
 taking in a morning bite or two....
My morning entertainment and inspiration.
This guy made me chuckle...

Standing alert, little hands folded in prayer position,
with the morning sun kissing his furry belly,
complete with "feather on the nose"...
And I spotted our mother or father rabbit, they are annual guests in our yard....
out enjoying a nibble on dew-kissed greens.
I enjoy this morning quiet time...
time to take in the dawning of the new day,
 a time to plan how my day will unfold.

As any small  business owner, I wear many different hats,
my days are filled with various "things-to-do"...
Computer work,
 paper work,
 filling customer's orders,
 sneaking in some stitching time,
when able...
It's a balancing act, of sorts,
 and at the end of the day,
I always hope to get all items crossed off my list.

 I'm making progress on the Summer Sampler. 
 Here's a peak.
  I don't have a whole lot left,
 it's just that I don't have a whole lot of stitching time....
that's a problem!
 I've also been working on the tedious task of charting Susan Dickinson, 1841.
Here is her color palette...
 Isn't it lovely?
Lots of "orangey reds" and "salmony pinks",
warm greens and browns...
all colors that make my heart a-flutter!
 The sampler is an Adam & Eve sampler. 
 Adam has hip problems!!
 I don't love him no less...
makes me love him more, really.
  And the curious little guy to the left of Adam,
 is a fox...

 The sampler has a simple meandering floral border,
 is filled with squirrels, birds, pots of flowers, owls, cherubs,
verse worked over 1,
a BIG red house!

 I almost forgot,
 there are 4 NEW charts coming soon!
Their titles are...
Liberty House
The Sampler House
The Sewing Bird
The Dame of the Needles

These are smaller,
 quick-stitch projects,
 watch for their releases in a couple of weeks.
Have a good day,


  1. I am in love with the Dickinson Sampler !! Love those colors!!!

  2. Love the colors in the new sampler-- any hints on the Gloriana thread list?!!

  3. Can't wait for the new A&E. They're a passion of mine. The colours are lovely!

  4. The Adam & Eve sampler looks glorious. I can't wait for it to be ready. But your new release names sound exciting. Now if you could package up more stitching hours for me to load into the shopping cart, I would be set.

  5. Lovely things coming along. I'm in love with Susan Dickinson already!

  6. Eager to see the Summer Sampler.
    It looks lovely.

  7. Wonderful stitching and wonderful pictures.
    Grit from Germany

  8. Oh my goodness! Such glorious samplers! They're both gorgeous and I think they're both must haves for me! Nope, I know they're must haves! Can't wait!!'

  9. I can't wait to see the finished Summer Sampler. It looks so lovely with the little bee hives and sunflowers and pretty summer colors!


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