
Guess what?

It really can still snow in May...
This poor little tulip is saying, I'm so full of snow!
Me too....
I'm really done with winter,
I've had enough...
Like the saying goes,
this weather is for the birds...
I'm not so sure our little bevy of poofy-feathered doves would agree...
 hi there robin,
you are supposed to be our messenger of Spring...

When will it arrive?

How many times will it snow upon your back?
The dear husband got up from the supper table, pushed his chair in and said...
"well, I'm going to go outside and build a snowman".  I detected a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice.
I told him, "do it and I'll take pictures"...
He knows better.
He knows if he did, there would be pictures of him,
pictures of him, 
in his cute little "walter hat" all over my blog...
Have a good day,


  1. Oh I so wish he would of built a snowman ~ I could really use a good laugh right now!!!

    It's cold enough here today to snow ~ I so hope it doesn't.

    Even though it's snow ~ cute pics!
    Prim Blessings

  2. I didn't build any snowmen yesterday but did have to go out and knock the almost 8 inches of heavy wet stuff from my trees. We so need the moisture here in Colorado so, in spite of the inconvenience, it was welcome. Today the sun is shining, the sky is bright blue and the snow is melting. Have a wonderful day.

  3. You were on my mind yesterday as I heard the forecast and saw the pics of snow in Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin. Your hubby should have built a snowman so you could look at the pics years from now when no one believes that it really does snow in May! Hope it all melts fast.

  4. Oh no.
    Wonderful pictures, but not the right time ;-)

    Grit from Germany

  5. Hi Brenda, From looking at your pictures you have more snow then we do. It is starting to stick to the grass, trees, and my car. It is still coming down. I love your pictures. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers Your Missouri Friend.

  6. Welcome to my world! We got 12' yesterday in Denver UGH

  7. OH my goodness..and I thought we were having a Winter covered Spring here in Vermont..it would seem you are having it worse. Here's hoping Spring finds it's way to you soon!


    ps...your pictures are GORGEOUS!!

  8. I feel your pain...we have 15.5 inches of snow right now and it is still snowing!!! Oh well, next week it will probably be 80 degrees! :)


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