
Good stitching weather!

Hope you all enjoyed a great holiday weekend!
 Mine didn't quite go as planned. 
 A weekend of yardwork and gardening was on my agenda,
however mother nature put a wrench into that... 
 We had 10" of rain in 48 hours...so much for yardwork and gardening!  
1500 homes/businesses in our town have flooded basements, we are one of them.   When I woke Sunday or maybe it was Monday...I could hear running water in the basement...it was water that had seeped in around our egress window and was running to the drain. 
 Unfortunately, the water has to run over carpet before it gets to the drain.
  So, I buried my head in my stitching,
while the dear husband dealt with the shop-vac and soggy basement....
On a brighter note,
I did get a lot of stitching done on the Summer Sampler
and wrapped up pattern instructions for my new charts.
Here is a peak at the pattern covers...
If you've purchased our new little book of needles,
the first three pattern covers will look familiar
as I've stitched those designs into
and a
 sweet sewing roll.

Won't the Dame of the Needle book of needles be a lovely little needful to tuck into the pocket of the sewing roll? 

The inside of the sewing roll is adorned with a blue bunting and floral wool applique...a nice mix of wool, linen, old buttons & cross stitch!

A miniature sampler inspired by the eagle family that resides in our area
 along the bank of a little creek bed...
This pinkeep uses a coil of wool felt in the center core, giving the pinkeep a nice, flat "pill box" appearance...looks like a flat little biscuit!  The piece measures just 1" tall by 4" across.
Patterns coming soon!
Severe weather is in the forecast today,
praying for no more rain...
Have a good day,


  1. So sorry about the flooding! Severe weather seems to be the norm this spring.
    I Love the needle roll with the blue wool bird inside; I cannot wait for that pattern!

  2. I just love everything you do. Your new offerings are great--I want to do everything you design!

  3. I hated to hear about the flooded basement. I hope nothing was ruined. But I sure like all that new stitching that you are releasing! I have to buy One of each!!! Can't wait!

  4. Sorry to hear about the flooding, hope nothing was damaged. Love your stitching.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about the flooded basement. I know that is not fun. The patterns are lovely and look forward to some stash additions.

  6. Crazy weather....I hope now it's everything ok...
    I'm waiting for the new pattern!!!

  7. Oh, NO! Water in the basement is not fun. Hope nothing was permanently ruined.

    Love all the new projects! Every, single one!

  8. Oh how awful the flooding, it is always so horrible went it hits a town! Wish them all the best and a good recovery of their houses and shops.
    Love your new patterns, looking out for them to appear in the shop! Greetings

  9. Bummer ~ we had our basement flooded earlier in the spring. Don't want to go through that again!
    That's a lot of rain ~ but on the brighter side ~ cool pics!!!
    Look at all those wonderful finishes ~ some more that have to go on my wish list!
    Prim Blessings

  10. Hurry! Hurry up with the patterns, already! I can't wait!

    Sorry for the water in the basement, I hope that you are dry now and nothing was damaged

  11. I am stitching JM Gardner and loving it! I can't wait for Liberty house to come out!! Stay dry!

  12. So sorry to hear about the flooding:( What a bummer. One year, long ago, we had rain for days that flooded our basement too. We went downstairs to find the washer and dryer floating in six feet of water! On another note, the patterns are awesome. Can't wait for the release!

  13. Your patterns keep getting better and better. Can't wait!
    Sorry to hear about the flooding
    , getting that weather here in Wisconsin now.

    Keep dry.


  14. Oh the new patterns are so pretty. I love them! So sorry your basement flooded. Ours used to flood, so we got a sump pump installed. They do not cost very much, and the newer ones run automatically when water collects. No turning any switch on, lol. Blessings :)

  15. Oh what a mess for you. So sorry to hear it.

    But I love your designs and work .

  16. I can't even imagine that much water on a street (in a home.) I hope there was no 'real' damage. Your stitching is lovely - love the eagle.

  17. I'm sorry to read about your water issues. We have had similar happenings in central IL. We have had some water in our basement, and flash flooding around the area.

    I LOVE your new charts, especially Liberty House!! I will have to watch for it to appear once you have released it.

  18. Oh Brenda, the little wool needle book holder is precious! Please consider creating more wool applique designs for those of us who love cross-stitch, but aren't very successful with making them. Can't wait for new releases to be on your website! We had flooding in western NY state, took out a 40 foot section of a drainage pipe where we walk/drive over a small stream that runs between our lawn and garden - what a mess!

  19. Hope there wasn't any real damage to your basement...so sorry you had to experience that.

    I love several of the new patterns. Can't wait until they hit the market, will have to alert my LNS so she will be sure to get them ordered.

    I am working on Frances Pool right now and just love it!!

    Judy in Kansas

  20. I just keep back over and over to look at these new releases!! I absolutely will have to get ALL of them!!!!! As a stitcher and a finisher, I sure do enjoy all the designs you produce... So many others do as well.... Keep those fantastic designs coming!!!!

  21. I hope you didn't sustain too much damage with your flooding. That's just miserable!
    I love all of your new releases especially Liberty House.

  22. So sorry to hear about the flooding!
    I hope nothing was permanently ruined!
    I LOVE these designs! I can't wait to have them!

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  25. Where are you? I miss seeing your posts!!

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  27. Brenda I sent you a message on the contact you. Thanks

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