
A new discovery and stitching...

the two (new discovery & stitching) have nothing to do with each other...
Gotcha' didn't I?
You were thinking this blog posting was going to be about a new stitching gadget or something, right?

{My New Discovery} Really the word yum doesn't do these justice.  They are yummy, scrumptious and delicious, but my plate wasn't long enough for a longer word....and have you ever tried making a word with nuts?
 Not the easiest thing to do,
so yum it is!
You are thinking this just looks like almonds...
but folks,
 these aren't just ordinary almonds,
they are flavored almonds!
To die for...
The dh brought home a bag of raspberry flavored ones on Saturday,
it was gone by Sunday.
I was feeling a little low in Vitamin E and foods rich in antioxidants,
so a trip to the grocery store was in need on Sunday.
I didn't tell the dh what the trip to the store was for,
nor did he tell me there were flavor choices of nuts...
There are raspberry, blueberry, strawberry,
hold your breath....
mocha, caramel macchiato and roasted coffee.
So, I spent Sunday stitching and snacking on almonds.  It was a nice mix.
   I made good progress on the Summer Sampler,
 and emptying my bags of almonds, too  :) 

A little peek at the Summer sampler,
tis full of green leafy things,
 all green and growing...
While stitching, I was distracted by  pieces of paper spread out around my feet on the floor in front of me,
(future designs and luscious silk flosses that are screaming, stitch me)
 urge to try the coffee flavored almonds... 
I have this problem when I'm stitching.
I always want to be stitching something other then what I'm stitching...
Anyone else have this problem?
being the disciplined person that I am,
 I told myself that I would treat myself to the coffee flavored almonds
 in celebration of the finish
of the
Summer Sampler. 
 off to eat some almonds...
I figured since I fingered all the ones for the photo shoot,
 I had better eat those, right? 
It wouldn't be right
 putting them back into the bag for the dh to eat
after I touched them....
that would not be right.
Hope your week isn't too nutty,


  1. hahaha! But have you discovered the chocolate ones?? Now that is YUM!

  2. They have coconut ones as well!

    Looking forward to seeing some of the piles of paper turned into charts for purchase!

    Robin in Virginia

  3. I am on my way to the store to find some of those almonds...

    Gotta Run,

    -Holly in VA

  4. Those almonds look almost as delicious as the sneak peeks of the summer sampler, and the charts spread at your feet. When I am stitching,I am always thinking of what I will be doing next,so I don't want to stop even to eat almonds till I am finished the one in my hands.

  5. I love ALMONDS!!! They are my all time favorites but gosh...how many bags did you eat? I sure hope I find them in the market where I'm going to make a quick stop today.
    BTW...Great looking design you're stitching on. Can we have another peak real soon?

  6. Flavored almonds! Ibet they are very tastey.

  7. I have the same problem with stitching hun; usually happens when I order something new and I get my order and want to start right away; but I have to wait or I'd have 1000 things going at once instead of 500..lol

    Hugs, Shar

  8. I wish I could stitch as fast as you design. I know Summer Sampler will bve another added to my basket of yours!

  9. I just found the best dark chocolate covered raspberries and blueberries. Will need to check out the almonds! And the summer sampler looks pretty good too.

  10. I love you! Thanks for recommending the almonds. I have spent the last year finding better for you snacks. I found blueberry and strawberry. They are yummy!


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