
Announcement, please take note!

The time has come to make this announcement, as things have really started to get a little out of control... I'm asking for your help with this.
Once you place an online order it can no longer be added to, or combined with other previously placed orders.    If you want all items shipped together, then PLEASE order them all on the same transaction.   
These situations cause re-work, re-entering of data, waste of paper, thumbing through stacks of orders & PayPal transacations to locate the various mulitiple orders, and issuing the shipping refunds.  This all takes valuable time that could be spent filling/shipping other customers orders.   These situations causes confusion and shipping delays.  It's one step forward, two steps back....none of us like these kind of days.

I'm asking that you take your time & shop carefully, making sure you aren't forgetting anything!!   Thanks a bunch and I appreciate your help with this.
That all... I'll fly away now, on my broom ;)
Have a good evening,


  1. Good plan, Brenda....you do have a life, too!

  2. lol! on your broom.. you crack me up! ;-) Absolutely gorgeous designs... keep 'em coming! :-)

  3. No broom required! We should all be considerate enough to realize that ours is not the only order you have at hand.


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