
A Sneak Peek...

at the upcoming
 new pattern release,
            "Valentine Sampler".    
Pictured is the "Thimble Box" project from the chart. 
The pattern will include patterns
 6 sweet, love-themed cross stitch projects
 that just hint
 and are suitable
 for keeping out year-round.
   All for the price of $12.00.
   One payment,
 6 patterns in one,
 and no club to join...
so everyone
can take in the fun
 of re-purposing their spent
candy boxes. 
  Are your chocolates gone yet?
My story....
After purchasing
 my two boxes of  Russell Stover's
 heart sampler chocolates,
I broke into the small heart box first...
just because it was so small,
 and so cute...
just 3 pieces of candy. 
  Inside was a milk chocolate caramel (love these),
 a coconut haystack (love those, too),
 and some other creme-filled candy
 that I'm not too fond of.   
 I opted for the coconut haystack first,
 saving the caramel
 for the next morning
 to have with  my morning coffee.....mmmmmm.  
That takes a lot of discipline,
 you know...
saving a piece of candy
 until the next day.
  Woke up,
 filled my coffee cup up,
 and off to find my little box of chocolates,
 specifically thee caramel...
no caramel.  
 Thee caramel is gone!
 So thoughtful of him
 to leave me the creme-filled candy... 
I think I might have said a naughty word... 
 The dh beat me to my caramel,
how dare him!  
 dh usually stands for "dear husband",
 when he starts messing with my caramels,
 I'm thinking
 the d
in dh
could stand for something else........
you can be the judge!
Have a good weekend,


  1. Sweet! Can't wait to see the whole pattern. We had so much fun with your 2012 pattern at our camp last year... stitching and making the box. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  2. Shame on him! You're gonna have to hide those yummies in the future. Okay, I now have both boxes (just got the 4.75 oz today -- haven't eaten that one yet), got the three paints, all I need is the pattern, and I really really like what you've shown so far!

  3. Snickering at your story..... Love the design too.... A soon to be purchase!!!

  4. Love the design!

    Your DH and my DH have alot in common, lol.

  5. I've been waiting to see what you came up . I love it! Mona and peaceandquilts @gmail.com

  6. Cute story! Gave me an early morning chuckle. The pattern is sweet! I cant wait to see the rest!

  7. Okay.... confession time! I too purchased 2 boxes (one for me - one for my sister). I ate all 3 pieces at one time! I just couldn't STOP!! I even LOVED the little creme filled one. Then - next day - I ate he other 3 pieces from my sister's box. (please don't share this with her) This is simply why I CANNOT have candy in the house! (shame on that man of yours!)

  8. I love this -- and I purchased an extra small box. But had to eat the chocolates in both -- can't paint them with the chocolates in there! Haven't found the 4.75 yet but need to try some place other than our Wal-Mart. Look so forward to this project.

  9. So pretty! More peeks, please. You may need to by that DH a box of his own...

  10. Can't wait. Got my chocolates gone already with help from my dh. I entered my two other hearts in a contest n

  11. It would most definitely stand for something else in my book. Your stitchery is beautiful. Next time be sure and hide the box.

  12. The new pattern looks and sounds delightful. I think your dh owes you a new box with a carmel in it. At least it is worth a try.

  13. I'm in love with your Valentines again this year. You're the only designer that makes eating chocolate necessary to stitch your design. <3 I hope you have info on the loops around the heart too.

  14. How is everyone figuring out what size box(es) to purchase? I can just see me buying one of every size, and then of course the chocolates *can't* be thrown away!

    Beautiful new sneak peek.


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