
Bath Time!

Each day, after my work day at Country Stitches ends, I come home to sit at my kitchen table and enjoy my last cup of coffee of the day and watch the birds come in for their late afternoon feeding. 
 It's a quiet time for me, a time to reflect upon the day and what needs to happen tomorrow, think about what's for dinner, or just to simply sit and sketch...putting ideas to paper.
My kids often times call me at this time of day,
it is my favorite part of my day...
Yesterday,  I was entertained by a group of congregating/migrating robins.     They weren't all that concerned about using my backyard bird bath as a watering hole, or doing their acrobatic moves to pluck berries from the bushes,  rather I sensed some urgency that they were in need of a bath.    My photos are a bit fuzzy, as I was taking these through my kitchen windows, and at this time of year are in need of cleaning...
Six birds a bathing...
And then I spotted this... 
and at this point I think know I was more excited then the bathing robins.
 A pair of Cedar Waxwings!
 My first sighting of this bird in my yard, ever.  They are common to this area, just have never spotted one, as we don't have the cedar trees in which they like to feed in.  I'm guessing they may have been feeding on Viburnum berries, along with the robins.
Today is going to be another Indian Summer type of day here in Iowa.
It's going to be one of those "wish I didn't have to work sort of days"...

The summer drought has put forth some of the prettiest leaves, ever.

One lonely little leaf...
just daring to be different.
Makes me think of a favorite autumn-time verse...
Autumn is like a second spring,
when every leaf
becomes a flower.
I just wish it didn't have to end...
Have a good day everyone,


  1. What a beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing.

  2. I don't want autumn to end either. It's my favorite season. Love your beautiful photos.

  3. Aww so sweet..very lovely photos xxx

  4. Beautiful pictures Brenda! The waxwings visit my home as well -- and feast on the flowering crab berries. Thanks for sharing...

  5. Lovely...don't you just love fall?!

  6. Wow, so fantastic pictures.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  7. What a wonderful view. No wonder you have so much inspiration!

  8. How positively sweet ... Bird Bath.
    Reminds me of my lady friends when we all pile in the Jacuzzi after our Aquatic Fitness workout.

    Blessing & Peace,

  9. Thanks for the beautiful pics. We don't get that level of color in AZ. The verse sounds perfect for a sampler.

  10. Great photos. We are amused sometimes when after we have filled our bird bath, one bird will come, see that there is water in it and then fly off, next minute there are about up to a dozen birds. He has obviously flown off to find his mates. Very clever.

  11. 1I only ever see the Waxwings in June when they arrive to eat the berries off of my neighbour's tree. Then they disappear until the following year. I love watching them. They look like little bandits with their masks!


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