
Mexico Bound!

Upon driving up our driveway the past days,
I 've been welcomed home by droves of migrating monarchs,
peacefully flitting about.
I couldn't resist...
I had to get the camera out
 shoot a few pics.
The late afternoon sun
made for some beautiful
background bokeh effects.
Monarchs catching a little rest
working the leaves of our fruit bearing trees...
crab apples, service berry and apricot.
Trees that all bloomed too early
 got nipped by frost,
little to no fruit
 was bared. 
 these are still the trees
 in our yard
 that the migrating monarchs
 choose to congregate in.
(crab apple tree)
Did you know...
Each season there are 4 to 5 new generations of monarchs,
 but just one generation migrates,
 the last generation of the year. 
These monarchs that are seen hanging in our fruit trees
 will not completely mature
 until they reach their Mexico destination. 

(apricot tree)
Once they arrive in Mexico,
 the long and warm days
 will trigger the reproduction organs
 to mature
 and they will begin to reproduce.

Migration of the monarch has always amazed me. 
 Having never made the migratory trip before,
 the offspring
will travel the same route
 as their past generations did...
no GPS or Google Earth needed!
Have a good weekend everyone,


  1. Migrations have always amazed me. You are so lucky to be able to see this. Wonderful photos!

  2. Growing up in Windsor, Ontario, we would often visit nearby Point Pelee to see the monarch migration. This point is the most southern point in Canada and has the shortest crossing over Lake Erie for the monarchs' on their journey to Mexico. There can be as many as 10,000 monarchs land on the point in a single day!
    I just loved your photos and it brought back so many memories of our trips to see the migration in progress.

  3. Thank you for sharing such lovely pictures.

  4. So beautiful pictures,
    liebe Grüße Grit

  5. Beautiful Pictures Brenda! They are flitting around in our backyard here in So. Cal. lately, on their way south. Always amazing to think about the journey they are on.

  6. That is just so interesting! I didn't know anything about the Monarch Butterfly other than their beauty! I can't believe how many are on the trees. Thanks so much for such a wonderful post!

  7. Those monarchs are amazing! Where do you live that you have so many? I have a butterfly garden, and consider myself lucky to have one or two!

    I finished your Strawberry Hill box, if you would like to see it check my blog merrywindfarm.blogspot.com


  8. AWESOME pictures!! They just give you a sense of peace.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing your pics of the monarchs! One of my favorite butterflies (prolly b/c of the orange and black Halloween colors), their numbers have suffered so (fire and freezing temps)! It is good to see so macy of them! I saw a finish of "Black Cat Sampler" and it was so cute I had to dig mine out and pit it in my "to do" pile. I think it was on Pinterest. Thanks again for the monarch photos!

  10. Gorgeous photos, gonna try using one of them as my desktop wallpaper.


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