
Almost one year ago...

my dh and I
 took a road trip,
 to visit the nephew in Wisconsin,
with my dear sister and her dh.
(her dh is my dh's brother, confused yet?)
Boys in the front,
girls in the back.

As always,
I don't travel without my stitching.
I had just charted a little Halloween chart that I thought
would be something I could start and finish
on this road trip.
At that time,
I didn't really have a plan...
I had no idea that it was something that
I would be doing for 11 more months.
No idea at all it would turn into
a montly series,
a series to be named,
"Word Play".
I had no idea
it would consume my whole year
the way it has.

 as I was laboring with counting and stitching
 in the back seat of the car,
fighting road bumps,
listening to my sister tell me
that she didn't know how I could do this in a car,
and that she would get a migrane in doing so...

she was playing with my ipad,
the ipad app
photo booth,
 to be exact...
hardly seems fair
that she's having fun in her corner of the car
and I'm slaving away,
in my corner of the backseat...
In between her laughing/crying sessions
of her photo booth experiences,
she would comment that she didn't know how
 I could see to work on such tiny linen....

I told her it might be her glasses,
she should get some new ones...
or maybe
 her eyes are set a wee tad too far apart,
plastic surgery,
I told her to just squint real hard,
like that...
helps to see the linen better
if you squint...
tee hee hee
 now that my sister is probably going to kill me,
I present the final Word Play...


 for joining me on this year long journey,
it's been fun
 and I'm almost sad to see it end!

And visit my sister at www.piecesfrommyheart.net
and buy lots and lots of goodies from her,

Have a good day,


  1. It has been fun. I am glad you did it because I hadn't stitched in 25 years. I was raising my kids and forgot during that time just about everything. I had to start over from scratch. I laugh now at the first one I did, every single pumpkin is messed up. I ripped out over and over. Each of these Word Plays was just enough to bring back all of the things I had forgot. Each month as I raced you before a new one came out I would get a bit faster and a bit better.
    Like I was in school. So it is nice that this is how September finishes up. I never expected to do this many either. So thank you so much. It is good to be back.

  2. Thanks so much! I had resisted these until a friend of mine came up with the idea that these word plays would make a great Birthday gift (to stitch and gift the month of their Birthday). And so, I started with February (but stitched it in July, lol) NOW... I'm addicted to Word Plays and look forward to stitching the entire series! :-) Great pics of your Sis... so much more fun than spotting out of state license plates... lol

  3. Those hilarious photos nearly distracted me from the beautiful "Word Play" stitching. Great job!

  4. So cute; I hate to see this series end; I love all your designs hun and can't wait to stitch up this one as well..what do you have in mind for us this next year?? LOL

    Hugs, Shar

  5. What a fun group of pictures! Thank you for giving me a tearful laugh this morning. Congratulations on a wonderful year of designs.

  6. Oh my gosh, those pictures are hilarious!

  7. I have loved each and every one!!! So sad to see them end, but I know you will have many more wonderful things for us to stitch.

  8. Lol those pic are so much fun :)
    I love your word play so much xxx

  9. Ohh, really cute pictures!!!! The new pattern is very beautiful a perfect gift for the teachers of my daughters!

  10. My dear little sister -I have just one thing to say... REMEMBER pay backs suck! It did bring back fond memories of a wonderful family weekend.

  11. Your sister is Sandy Gervais? I didn't know that! (okay, I'm pretty new to reading your blog - which I love, but I am familiar with her fabric line - which is always awesome!)

    You two totally ROCK!!

    What a fabulous, talented family you have!!!!!

    I am in complete AWE!!!!!

  12. I have loved your Word Plays! I had no idea that Sandy was your sister - love her fabric lines! What an incredibly talented/gifted family. I love your blog and look forward to seeing what's next. Thanks so much, Wanda

  13. The pictures of your sister are just so funny !!!! What a riot !!!! And all your cross stitch & punching designs are Wonderful !!!! Thank You Thank you !!!

  14. So hilarious. Love the pictures. Looks like a fun app for my nephews.
    Congratulations on the wonderful success of your Word Play series and all your hard work this last year. What a phenominal series? I bet it is you that is having the last laugh over your sister on the stitching now.

  15. I'm sad to see this series end, it's been a very popular one at the shop.

    The pics of your sister are hilarious! Thanks for the chuckle!

  16. Those pictures are a hoot, And I'm a little behind on Word Play! But I love your designs and will get them done!

  17. Just wanted to say a special thank you for designing the Word Play series, Brenda! I love each and every one--haven't stitched them yet, but plan to make them a monthly project next year... As a librarian who loves words and adores stitching--these little gems are just perfect for me :) Thanks for sharing your talent!


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