

I'm sorry about my absence here,
 I just haven't had the energy to do much beyond work.

 I think I'm starting to wilt...
too many days of triple digits. 

 The heat just zaps me.
  It isn't the normal pretty green that we are used to this time of year in Iowa.
 The lawns are brown and crunchy,
 only the weeds are thriving, 
and the farmers corn fields are starting to fire.
  Firing is when the corn starts to dry up bottom to top....it is dying.
Sad surroundings,
 and it just seems to put you in a sad state of mind.
We all could use a little bit of this...
Since my last blog posting, I have purchased a new antique sampler,
J.M. Gardner, 1888.
It's one of those samplers
 where you like it,
 not totally
love it...
if that makes any sense!

 The sampler is worked on an 8 count canvas,
using thick bulky wool yarn...yuck! 
The orange is a bit too bright for me.
I love, love, love
the little floral arbor
over the garden gate...
don't you think?
My plans are to
 reproduce and revise
 the color scheme.
I think it would be lovely
 worked in softer muted flosses
within the same color scheme.
The sampler measures about 16" square.
The sampler is backed with newspaper.  
 The article talks about a bad storm, gale force winds
including a couple of towns that were heavily damaged.
I'm hopeful this will be helpful in learning more about
the 12 year old, J.M. Gardner who stitched this sampler.

first things first...
Francis Pool needs to be finished first!

I'm getting close to a finish on this piece!
I always struggle with changing a reproduction.
I like to stay true to the antique...
See the floral border?
  The flower blooms, stems and leaves were all
stitched in the same color...
this bothered me.
After much
do I?
don't I?...
I decided to put my signature on the piece
 by switching the floss out to green,
it makes me feel better!

Stay cool,


  1. I feel your pain. Its been in the 100's in Denver and not a nice mountain air feeling. VERY dry! But it does make me stay indoors and stitch when I would rathr be out hiking for sure!

  2. very hot here in Michigan too, I feel so badly for the farmers. looking forward to the last word play.

  3. Hot here in Ohio too. The last few days we have actually been cool enough to turn off the AC, but I'm sure it won't last long. I can't imagine depending on the weather to determine my livelihood.

  4. The same conditions here in Indiana. The corn is short and stunted and is drying out quickly. My grass crunches under my feet too. I am quite afraid of what this drought will do to food prices. Keep cool, if only in spirit!

    Love your work, so much so that I vow to try my hand at cross stitching very soon. Just need to stock up on the basics and find a simple pattern.

  5. The samplers you recreate always amaze me ~ you just have that special touch. I Love the touch of green too!
    Prim Blessings

  6. Oh, gosh, Brenda I'm so looking forward to seeing Frances P. I liked that you added colour to the border.

    Sorry to hear about the extreme heat! All I can think of is drink plenty of water and stay in the cool as much as you can! Take care!

  7. I hear you. The hot summer can drain you. Try to keep cool in your home. At least though you aren't freezing. People complain it's too hot or it's too cold. It's hard to make people happy.



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