

 Strawberry Hill floss keep!

 A perfect stitching companion
 to the
 Strawberry Hill
sewing box & needle roll!

Floss keeps are now available for purchase
on our website,
supply is limited.

We had a lovely visit in Denver with son, Matthew.  
Time always goes too quickly.
When the boys were busy biking and golfing,
I sat outside Matthew's little brick bungalow 
and stitched the August Word Play.  
 While I stitched
a song popped into my head,
that goes like this...
"we'll build a bungalow,
 big enough for two,
 big enough for two my honey,
 big enough for two...
then when we're married
 how happy we will be...
underneath the bamboo tree...
or sorta along those lines!
Anybody know the song?
Well, I sang this song
at a bridal shower
 when I was about 5 or 6 years old (are you laughing yet!)...
I sang and sister Linda was my accompanist.
 the coziness of Matthew's bungalow
 (which really is only big enough for 2),
made me think of the song 
and I couldn't seem to get it out of my head,
and was worth a chuckle or two!

   The photo shoot for the August pattern cover
 will take place this weekend
and then the printing/packaging begins.
See those pretty sunflowers?

They will be used in the photo shoot,
 August Word Play hint...
think sunflowers!
 Hope you all have a sunny-type of day,


  1. I just thought I would tell you how much I have enjoyed the July word play. I love the nautical theme and I have sat and chuckled to myself over every single design. The fish and the crab and now I am working on the mermaid. Just so much fun and every time I work on it if feels like a nice little vacation.
    I can't wait for August if it has sunflowers.
    Thank you, I have enjoyed the word plays very much.

  2. Hi Brenda - LOVE the strawberry hill pinkeep. I clicked on your link to the store but they're out. Please let me know when you have more - I will order one right away! Kate (kcarr@schwabe.com)

  3. Hello Brenda,
    I don't know that song. I do like to listen to some of the older music, but I can't remember those lyrics.
    Anyhoooo. I am always too late to get the Floss Keeps! I would love two of the Strawberry Hill pinkeeps. I have been waiting to buy one for my sister and one for me! Sad am I again!
    Hope you aren't as Hot there as they have been in the eastern part of the country! Here, in the part of CAL where I live, it is nice.
    Love it when you post! Happy Summer!!

  4. Brenda the song is called "Underneath the Bamboo Tree". Yes your floss keeps sell out very fast. I do have one and I love it.

  5. Oh I'm so glad. Sunflowers are my favorite!!! Glad you had such a nice visit with your son!


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