
Momma's big helper & garbage day!

Grandpa and I had the pleasure to sneak away for a couple of days to babysit the grand darlings and celebrate their Momma's 32nd birthday.  
 I keep asking myself,
 can I really have children in their 30's already?

  Upon arrival,
 we were greeted at the door by Beckham...
it's so fun when they reach the age
 where they remember
 who you are from visit to visit.
Gives Grandma warm fuzzies!
 We hadn't seen Miss Avry
 since her birth. 
I think she looks like her Momma  ;)
 She is busy moving her arms and legs,
 trying to control her little fist
 and on
 occasion will even get her thumb in her mouth.
  With a little coaxing
 there are 
coos and smiles.  

Big brother is such a good helper,
even helps keep her pacifier in place!
Momma can be heard saying, "be gentle, be gentle"...
Here she is in her tutu.  
Big brother straightening her tutu so it is just so.
  I overheard him telling his baby sister,
 "Oh Avy you're so cute"!  
Suppose he will think she is cute when she starts crawling
and discovers
 his Thomas the Trains?
Watching over his little sister while she sleeps.  
Big Brother,
Mother's Helper
 For the most part baby sister approves...
we are still working on the "being gentle" part...
Learning how to hold Avry
 with out squeezing too hard!
He keeps pretty busy
being Momma's helper...
watering Momma's herb garden...
Aren't they cute?
Wine crates re purposed into herb boxes.
Herb markers are wine corks!
Oh, and I forgot...

How could I forget?
We got to witness the excitement of "Garbage Day Friday".
This is a big deal! 
We arise early,
stand by the windows/door in our jammies...
what else?
Of course,
 watch garbage truck videos on YouTube 
on Momma's iphone while we wait for the 
garbage truck to arrive...
This garbage day is a big deal..
it's a whole family affair,
even Bella,
 the family fur child,
 comes to see what all the excitement is about.
"the garbage truck is coming!"
"the garbage truck is coming!"
and in a matter of seconds
the garbage is picked up
 the truck disappears
off in the distance...
 then we spend the rest of our day 
doing this...
and this...
What a fun Friday!

Have a good day everyone,


  1. I must tell you about a series of "documentaries" my grandson, now 5, used to love. He was a trash day window stalker too. The series was through Netflix and called "Mighty Machines." I have no doubt that Beckham will love them too! Grandkids are the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... jan

  2. So cute! I have to tell you, I love that Poppy onesie from Baby Gap. I have the same one for my 6 month old. It's so pretty!

  3. Thanks for sharing your grandchildren....

  4. Your grandson is adorable...he's such a good big brother; the pic of him watching her sleep is a keeper...I love the design on the top of your page hun, what design is that??

    Hugs, Shar

  5. The little princess in her tutu is really wonderful and the boy with his tracs so cute!!!
    Ps What can I say about the design on the header of your blog...how can it go unnoticed?

  6. sounds like the best of days ever....oh to see the wonders of life through your grandchild's eyes is the best there is.....

  7. So sweet! And those sweet babies grow up way too quickly!
    I love the design in your header! Is this a pattern that I missed somehow?!
    Blessings, Patti

  8. The grands are just precious. Gotta love the little tykes!! Don't you sometimes wish they could stay small forever?

  9. What a cool garbage truck toy!! My boys would have loved it!


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