
Friday is garbage day...

 you know what that means?
 Someone gets to
 watch for
 one of these ...
Ah yes, the garbage truck!
That is the highlight of this little darlings Friday.

Fridays are busy days for this 3 year old.
  Momma has her ob doc appointments also.
That's a lot to have to squeeze into a Friday morning
 for a
3 year old...
Waiting and listening for the garbage truck
to arrive,
 then having to go to the doctors
office and wait some more...
then getting to hear a heart beat
of this little person,
that everyone calls,
 little baby sister...

  The doctors say things are starting to progress
 and the baby
 could arrive
 any day now!
And now here's the cute part,
 the part that made my day...
(momma called me and told me the cute little story,
I love these cute little Beckham stories - cause you just never know what he is going to say)
Upon leaving the doctor's office,
 this past Friday,
 Beckham told the doctor
 that he was going to go home
 watch garbage trucks (of course)
 then go pick up his baby sister!!
First things first, though...

 I'm thinking these weekly
 Friday doctor appointments
 are starting to conflict
with someones garbage-truck-watching days.
Someone has decided
 it's just time to go
 pick this little sister up,
 get over this weekly
nonsense of doctor visits...
it's really starting to cut into his
garbage truck watching days...

I still can't stop laughing!   

Have a blessed Easter everyone,

New punch needle patterns should be posted on the website on Monday...unless the baby arrives!  Also, the 35 count Abecedarian linen has arrived and the 30 count Parchment will be here this coming week.


  1. Brenda,
    At about this age, my baby (now 30) wanted to be a "garbage man" when he grew up. Hope little sis comes soon, healthy and happy!

    Thank you again for my wonderful, winning prize! I'm delighted!!

  2. out of the mouth of babes! that's just too cute! denise

  3. Dearest Brenda,
    Children are wonderful creatures and very funny, but above all honest they always say what they think and make you do a really good laugh.
    All the best heart that his sister will come soon and that everything goes well.
    Still many compliments on your creations, and thanks for the 'information of' other day for antique sewing machine oil can.
    Happy Easter.
    Love et bisous Ve from Switzerland

  4. My son was 2 1/2 years old when my daughter was born. He was crazy about garbage trucks too. We were trying to call home to let him know that he had a new little sister, but he was with Grandma driving around the neighborhood following the garbage truck!

  5. Such an exciting time for you all!!! Can't wait to see a pic of the new little one!
    When my oldest daughter was 2-3, she used to love to watch out the window for the school bus.... her first dream job was to be a school bus driver.... so cute! Aren't they just so sweet?? One of my little brothers was into garbage trucks, too, and called them the "conderns!!"
    Have a beautiful and blessed Easter!!

  6. My grandson also used to consider the garbage truck to be the highlight of the day (and lawn mowers and anything else with a noisy engine or motor). Sounds to me like a couple of little "Tim the toolman" types! Lucky us!

    Granddaughters are absolutely great. I am lucky enough to have one of those as well.

    Looking forward to the new punchneedle patterns, but not anywhere near as important as your upcoming big event - and I do not mean the garbage man!


  7. I'm sure Mommy is just as tired as Beckham of waiting for little sister's arrival, lol! He's just too cute.
    I'll be thinking about you and hope that all goes well when the appointed time arrives.
    Happy Easter!

  8. Kids are really curious nowadays. My child also wanted to see a garbage truck and a garbage collector that's why he helps me in getting the trashes in waste bins.

  9. It's nice to know that your kids are admiring even the slightest sound of garbage trucks. It's kind of rare. :D Anyway, make sure to pile your garbage properly, so when the garbage truck arrives, it's easier for them to fetch the garbage.

    Jamaal Mccune


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