
Now I feel an urgency...

Several weeks ago I received an email from a gentleman...
He had stumbled upon my blog posting, 
the day that I shared photos
 of my Mary Wrigley sampler.  
You may recall,
 this is the first antique American sampler
 that I purchased.  
 I fell in love with her colors
the farm girl in me,
fell in love
with the
rooster motifs.  

 The email went on to read
 that this gentleman 
was a direct descendant of Robert and Mary Kay Wrigley,
 from Clearfield, PA.  
 They would be the parents
 to the Mary
that stitched the below sampler. 
 You can only imagine my total excitement
 in regards to this email.
  I had a person to connect 
this sampler to
 and that is pretty cool.
He went onto to say 
that they own a sampler made by Mary's mother,
 Mary Kay. 
 The sampler is dated 1806. 
 This gentleman's great great grandfather
 was a brother to the Mary
 that stitched my Mary. 
  Are you confused yet? 
mother and daughter
 share the same name.
  The mother's sampler, 
was unfortunately damaged by water
 from a house fire 
many years ago,
 but is still quite readable. 

   He was curious
 how the daughter's sampler
 made it's way from Clearfield, PA
 into my hands,
 here in Iowa. 
  I purchased the sampler
 from a antique dealer
 out of Wisconsin,
 at a Minnesota antique fair....

If only we knew
 how she got from there to here...
what were her stops along the way? 
 Did she spend many years
 just hanging in an antique shop? 
 Maybe so. 
  It is really sad 
that something such
 as this 
gets out of the hands of family. 
 These are family heirlooms.  
  A part of me now feels guilty
 owning this...
She should be with family. 
  I feel the urgency
 to reproduce this into a chart,
 so a reproduced Mary Wrigley 1834 
can go home,
 to hang upon the same wall,
as her mother's sampler.
The sampler hangs on the wall next to my stitching settee. 
 This is where I spend a great share of my time,
 when at home.  
 This is where 
 sit & stitch.  

 In between stitches,
 when my eyes need a break,
 I look at Mary for inspiration.
Only now,
 it is
 with wonderment
 of what her mother's sampler
 looks like...
  Are they similar?
  Are the colors similar? 
 And of course,
I must wonder,
 does it have 
 on it?

Have a good day,


  1. Looking forward to your reproduction of this beautiful sampler! Will he allow you to reproduce her mother's sampler too? So nice that you want to get this sampler home to its family!

  2. What a wonderful story! And a beautiful sampler! I love it--if you reproduce it as a chart and release it for sale, I'll be one of the first in line! It is so sweet of you to consider returning the original to its family!

  3. Our lives certainly do take a circuitous route. years ago my mother's office was broken into and my grandfathers seal stamp from the 1920's with his name Herbert Hayward Jones was stolen...I often wonder where it resides. Lovely story!

  4. Amazing! What are the chances that this gentleman would come across your post on the very day you posted Mary's sampler?
    I think it's a wonderful tale and it seems Mary's sampler has had quite a journey. I think it's wonderful that you want to return this one to its family. I can understand your urgency. I would love to see a pic of the two hanging side by side.

  5. What a lovely story. It is fun to imagine how that sampler traveled so far. Having lived very near Clearfield, I read with interest your story. Thanks for sharing.

  6. What a gorgeous sampler - thanks for the pictures! I really hope you do chart that sampler - the roosters are outstanding. I would love to stitch this. Kate

  7. I hope that if you give them the sampler that they will allow you to reproduce her your Mary's mother's sampler. That would be a wonderful set to have!

  8. Hi Brenda - yes, please do reproduce this sampler! I love the roosters on it and the other motifs and the reds and golds in it! It's beautiful!

  9. It's fabulous!!! How soon can you reproduce it????

  10. Brenda, what a fascinating story...thank you for sharing it! Love the sampler...hope you reproduce it soon!

  11. What an interesting story. I am very glad to hear that you will be reproducing it and then sending it back to the family--right thing to do. Although I do hope that maybe the family would let you borrow and reproduce the other sampler!

  12. What a lovely story and a beautiful sampler. I hope you can reproduce her soon, and if you return her to her family, perhaps they will allow you to also reproduce her mother's sampler. Waht a wonderful pair to stitch.

  13. Hello.
    Please reproduce Mary's sampler.
    It is very lovely and I too am very partial to roosters and hens. They were a favorite of my grandmother.
    What an exciting story! I had to sit down and read it several times. I hope everything resolves itself and both you and the distant relative of Mary are both satisfied. I'll be anxiously awaiting the next episode. :)

  14. It is a small world! This is a greate story. Hopefully, you'll get to see and share a picture of her mother's sampler! And wouldn't it be wonderful to be allowed to reproduce hers as well! It will be fun to see where this all goes! I wonder if he has pictures of the two Mary's?

  15. How nice to find a long lost relative. He must be comforted knowing Mary has found a nice home were she is loved.

  16. How totally cool, that he would stumble on your blog post. Amazing how small the world is these days!!

  17. What a lovely story! I do hope you are able to reproduce Mary's mother sampler, also. It would be great to have them side by side. I too, have antique samplers, and I often wonder if family members are wishing they still had them. But "my girls" are very loved, and I that is the most important thing.

  18. I can just feel the rush and excitement you must have felt! Very cool story!

  19. Brenda - What a great story. I am sure you can ask by email for answers to your questions! Nice to have some story to put with the sampler....would be great to print a little history with it filled in by your new friend. Maybe you can also reproduce the other one (?) pj

  20. And April 13th is our wedding anniversary!

  21. What happened to my first post?? Any who....how thrilling and exciting! I admired this sampler from your first posting of it, now more than ever anticipating the repro. I hope you design it with the same colors, I love the reds. Just showed the hubby, he also thinks it is really cool that a family member of the stitcher contacted you.

  22. Please reproduce this I love roosters and have some in my kitchen. I'll be one of the first in line to purchase this new chart and it would be great to stitch the Mother's too. Hope this all works out for the best I to would feel the need to return to the family. Debbie

  23. Wow.....your story gave me goosebumps! !!!! Very cool! Christine

  24. So amazing to hear the story of that sampler. Please share if you get a picture of Mary's. Mother's sampler. CJ in OK ;-)

  25. That's like a miracle. One of the most lovable stories that happens in life.
    To would be sooo nice of you, if you would be able to do the patterns from mother and daughter.
    Thanks for all your adorable patterns,
    Margit from Germany

  26. Is yours the 1934 sampler? And her mother's the 1806? (I'm confused.)

    I have a photo of an 1832 sampler by Ann Lawford that is hanging in the Clearfield, PA Historical Society house. I thought there may be similarities, but all the motifs are different from your photo. No roosters!

  27. Brenda, this is a remarkable story. I do believe this was more than a coincidence. I think you are meant to reproduce now the daughter Mary's sampler and her mothers sampler as well. Isn't this a great way of means by honoring & remembering them? I think so. WOW!
    I get goosebumps thinking about it.
    Of course I have to stitch this when the pattern is available.

  28. You, what an awesome happening! I am so happy for you to be able to add even more stories to this beautiful work of art! Providence joined many moments of history together for you to reproduce the sampler to share with the world!nAnd of course I can't wait until I can stitch it too! Could you tell me what the sampler is that is on your blogs header? Thank you!

  29. Wonderful! I will be waiting for this one to come out. She is beautiful!

  30. Love this sampler but cannot find it on your website! Was permission not given to reproduce it? I hope not.


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