
Midweek Musings...

The Spring Sampler of the Season is done!
 After a linen dilemma, and then a change of heart, it is done! Well almost done, just needs her frame. This pattern will release along with May's Word Play, and with some Spring-themed punch needle patterns around the 1st of April.
And a little sneaky peeky
May's Word Play
floss selection...
Stitching of May's Word Play will begin this evening as I'm in front of the TV watching/listening to American Idol.   I'm enjoying some TV as of late.   The Voice on Monday evenings, followed by Smash, and then two evenings of Idol, and throw in a little Anderson Cooper too...the most prime time TV that I've watched in a very very long time. 

On a side note...
We received another bolt of potting soil brown ticking yesterday...yayyyyyy!  While I was hoping for more then the 1 bolt, I'll take what I can get!  Hoping to get more bolts directly from the manufacturer today or tomorrow.   I didn't get this pulled from the website before some orders came in, so we over-sold.    Once I have all the pre-sold orders filled, and I feel I have remaining inventory, I will mark the House of Blues & Browns Sampler supply kit and ticking available for purchase once again.  

 It's such guesswork...guessing what the demand for an item will be.  I make my best guess, and hope for the best.  My guess was a bit on the conservative side, when it came to what the response to the pattern "House of Blues & Browns Sampler" would be.  In other words, I will not have yards and yards of brown ticking, and wondering what I'm going to do with it all!  Nope, the dh will not be wearing any ticking shirts or undies!!

   The funny thing is, this design had been in my cross stitch library for 3 years.  Each design cycle I scroll through unpublished work and I would always opened this design, always.    I'd change the colors to brights, then to not-so-brights,  then I'd changed it to red-work, then to blue-work, then I  changed it to blues and browns...that was my a-ha moment, and the rest is history.  I do though, have that design saved 4 different ways...sometimes it just takes you a while before you really fall in love with a design. So I guess you could say, this pattern had been in the making for 3 years!

We lost more of our snow yesterday, heard robins in the yard this morning...
love this time of year!

And I almost forgot...let's have a little fun, shall we?
Let's have a little blog contest!  
Enlarge that picture of those flosses above.
Take a good look at those pretty spring-time colors...
Take a guess at what those colors of flosses will be used for in
 the May's Word Play.

See that mellow golden yellow?
See that brighter red in the center?
See that peacock blue?

Leave a comment,
 telling me what motif will be stitched using those three colors.
If you get any of them right, your name will go into a drawing for a free floss kit and pattern for May's Word Play when the pattern releases.   The contest will remain open through this Sunday. 
I'll announce the winner on Monday.  Your name will get put into the pot as many times as the amount of correct guesses you make.  One comment per person, pulease!

Enjoy the day,


  1. I'm one of those House of Blues and Browns orders, and am anxiously awaiting the mail to get started on my pillow!

    I think the flosses will be used for tulips, lilacs or peonies, May pole streamers, and maybe an American flag for Memorial Day.

  2. I love the colors. I think the yellow is for daffodils, red for the breast of a house finch or some other bird, and the blue is a waterfall or stream.


  3. Beautiful spring colors!!

    Yellow -- Daffodils
    Red -- Tulips
    Blue -- Bluebird

    Thanks for the fun!!

  4. Fun colors: Blues Bluebirds or Blue Jays, Red : cardinal, Brown/Black/Gray: House /baskets, Greens: stems and leaves, Pinks: Tulips, Yellow: tulips or crocus, lighter colors...perhaps some paper whites.
    Can't wait to see what you have designed. I am so... inspired :)
    Karin E.

  5. Hmmm. Love the idea of a May pole. Yellow... Too early for sunflowers, down here daffodills are mostly gone, perhaps the sun? Red... Tulips; blue a bird: indigo bunting? Blue bird? But the red doesn't seem quite brownish enough for their chest. Well good luck to all! Thanks, b

  6. Love my lastest order!! House of Blues is one of my favoite desins and the April Word Play..too cute!!! The yellow floos is for Daffodils, the teal for an umbrella and the red...a patriotic design!!
    Those are my guesses!!!

  7. I'm thinking tulips, daffodils, possibly an American Flag in the mix?!?!

  8. I'll take that challenge---flowers-yellow, kite-blue and bird-red(cardinal).
    Thank you

  9. Yellow if for flowers, daffodils perhaps or tulips.
    the red is part of a flag for memorial day and the blue is definitely a bluebird.
    thanks for the fun.

  10. Hummmm, I think the yellow and red are probably flowers, and the blue...possibly a bird or some wording? That's my guess!
    Thanks Wanda

  11. Yellow is forsythia, red tulips, flag, and peacock color bird

  12. Beatiful colors!Fanny puzzel!
    I think it's maybe violets,umbrella,birds,tulips,stream.

  13. Love the monthly doorbell charts you have been creating!


  14. Thanks for offering your blog contest.
    You may be stitching a golden basket for May Day, a beautiful bouquet for Mother's Day, or a patriotic motif for Memorial Day.

  15. i look forward to seeing the next word play. My guess is that the yellow will be for some type of flower, the red for a strawberry and the blue for a bird.

  16. I can't wait to see May's Word Play. I think the yellow will be used for flowers, red for a flag and the blue for a bluebird. I hope I'm right

  17. I have a little guess, the yellow is for a basket, the red is poppies, and the blue is the breast of a bluebird.

    Have a good day, it's very windy here in Wisconsin.

    I also have ordered your House of blues & Browns. I'm glad to hear it's not lost in the mail. ;-) bee-hugs, Debby

  18. Here are my guesses-
    golden yellow-chick
    peacock-easter egg

  19. My guesses:
    Yellow for sunshine
    Red for Tulips
    Blue for blueberries

  20. My first thought was peacock - all the colors in one motif.

    For individuals I'd say daffies, tulips, and bluebirds.

  21. peacock blue will be an egg. yellow will be a flower of some sort and the red will be a portion of a flower.

  22. I'm thinking that the yellow is for tulips & pansys - red is for peonies, geraniums & Memorial Day poppies - blue is for bluejays & bluebirds. I also do love your House of Blues and Browns but am thinking of using the blue ticking - my lst love.

  23. I think maybe red tulips, yelllow dafodills and a blue bird, hope I'm right :)

    Pam Bo

  24. i'm thinking some kind of flowers or birds. when you get caught up on the brown ticking i'm gonna order mine. denise

  25. Brenda
    I anxiously await the debut of May Word Play...I bet it's fabulous! Here are my floss picks:
    Red...patriotic motif to represent Memorial Day
    Yellow...definitely part of a flower or plant...perhaps forsythia
    Peacock Blue...eggs in a bird's nest
    Thanks for having this fun, little contest!
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  26. I can't wait to see the rest of the Spring Sampler!

  27. I love the colors and I think maybe the yellow for some sunshine, probably some red for tulips or roses, blues for a bluebird, gray might be a kitty or even a mouse. Maybe a tree for the greens..a dogwood would be great with the white blooms.

  28. Red - Robin's redbreast
    Yellow - Flowers
    Blue - Water or stream

  29. Here are my best guesses:
    red roses for Mother's Day
    blue robin eggs
    yellow daffodils

  30. The colours are beautiful! Maybe the yellow is for some daffodils, red for spring tulips and peacock blue for a bluebird...right or wrong, I know that it will be beautiful! Wanda

  31. hummm...I would say the golden yellow will be a watering can or a basket or a long shot guess would be a pair of wooden dutch shoes. The red will be tulips I'm just sure! And that pretty blue will be a bird.. or maybe a kite. Would you put some scalloped waves on a wordplay pillow?...nah...
    The flower-Blue bells? Now I can't wait for May Debi G

  32. Tulips, Crocus and Daffodils!! Thats my guess, would love to see them blooming right now.

  33. What a fun contest and excited about the May Word Play, I love all of these!
    Red - flag
    Peacock blue - ribbon on May Day Pole
    Yellow -- May Day basket
    Thanks for a chance to win a prize,

  34. I love the colors. I think that the yellow is for the sun, red is for a bird and blue is for a bird or some type of flower. Happy Spring!!


  35. Yellow - a flower
    Red - breast of robin
    Blue - bluebird

    Thanks for the generous giveaway!!


  36. Love the spring colors for the May Word Play. Yellow is for the basket for Mothers Day, purple are for violets and pansies, pink for lily of the valleys,greens for jack in the pulpit, red for poppies and blue for the bluebird who sings the song of spring.

    Carolyn cab4325@yahoo.com

  37. Hi Brenda,
    That seasonal sampler looks like it will be a 'must have'.

    Ok, I'm never good at guessing, but here goes.

    Yellow= Some type of flower
    Red= Old Glory (flag)
    Blue= Bird


  38. Hmmm...how about a

    golden yellow - maypole
    red - bird
    blue - flower

    Fingers crossed,

  39. I'm thinking a May pole, a kite, and a flag?

    Regardless I'm quite enjoying stitching this little series. My goal is to have all of them finished this year to hang on my inside front door knob. They are all adorable.

  40. Thanks for the fun blog giveaway!!!

    I think the yellow is for daffodils, red for an American flag, and peacock blue for a bluebird.



  41. What pretty colors! I think the yellow is for daffodils, the red for tulips and the blue for bluebird or little puddle of water for jumping into. Thanks for the chance!

  42. Yellow: Sunshine
    Red: Tulips
    Blue: Bluebird

  43. The yellow will be for the sun, the red for a flower and the blue for a bird!

  44. Those colors are primarily sweet...flowers, a little bird perhaps...a basket? I can only throw out a wild guess...you are the designer and I am the eagerly awaiting customer.......dreaming of stitching what pretty things you sketch out for me to have fun with. I hope this qualifies me for the drawing...and now to prove I'm not a robot...

  45. Blue for a bird, purple for violets and red for tulips

  46. I see bright colored May Baskets full of pink flowers with bright blue birds and green, green grass!! Fun giveaway!! Thank You, Beth N.

  47. I think the yellow is the locks of a little gal's hair under a frilly blue bonnet. Red will be a beautiful bicycle. I know my children can't wait for warmer weather to get out an ride theirs!
    Can you email me and tell me what kind of magnifiers you use? I love the look of one over one. Thank you! Lisa

  48. I'm picturing these gorgeous colors 'painting' the scene for a Mother's Day basket of flowers sitting on a green field with the blue sky overhead!

  49. I'm picturing these gorgeous colors 'painting' the scene for a Mother's Day basket of flowers sitting on a green field with the blue sky overhead!

  50. My guess for the floss on the May Word Play would be a bluebird. My other guess would be a Maypole. Happy Stitching. Pat

  51. hard to say exactly but may to me is May Day - flowers for may day - the beautiful yellow is probably for flowers

    Red for something patriotic - Memorial Day remembrances in May

    Blue streamers for the May pole

    thanks for the opportunity to win the floss set.
    enjoy your weekend - mel

  52. I love, love, love all of your designs. They are so much fun to look at and to stitch. I think the yellow will be for daffodils, the red for tulips, and the blue for a bluebird ... maybe an indigo bunting?? Thanks for the contest. This is a fun one !!

  53. Yellow - goldenberries
    Red - strawberries, raspberries, lingonberries
    Blue - blue berries

    Thank you for asking

  54. I'm thinking daffodils, tulips and hyacinths! April showers bring May flowers...

  55. This chart was very high on my list to purchase at my LNS "The Attic Needlework Shop in Mesa, Arizona" Thank you for finally releasing it - and these colors truly spoke to me!

  56. Hello Brenda,

    Sometime back you posted on how you get your needlework ready for framing (with wonderful pictures!). I've gone through your archive but I can't seem to find it (I could have missed it). Do you remember when you posted that? I wanted to give your method a try. Thanks so much for your help!

  57. Love your designs.
    the blue is for a word, red is for carnations and yellow for a goldfinch. Becky

  58. Love the looks of your spring stitch! As for May's word play, here goes... May is always filled with flowers so I'm thinking the red is for tulips. The blue looks very much like it could be a robin's egg. As for the yellow, could it be the sun which we've all so anxiously awaited?
    Right or wrong, it's been fun! I look forward to seeing whose right.

  59. This is so fun. I hope there will be robin blue eggs, or daffodils or even beautiful red tulips. Spring is the best time of the year. Everything is so fresh and new. Thanks for the chance to win,
    Karen M

  60. I do believe we will see a bird, a basket of flowers and a May Pole in the next Word Play. I really am enjoying stitching these!!

  61. Gosh. This is very hard. It all depends on what you think of for May. I will say the red is for the word Cinco de Mayo. The straw yellow for the word Mothers Day. And the peacock blue is for the word Flowers. Can not wait to see your design . I am liking the addition of brighter collars.

  62. I just found you.... Oh My Goodness I love your blog and your pattern site. I have ordered the house of blues and the april word play....Thank you for having such a complete site for the stitchers. I am new to cross stitching and love so many of the patterns by all the designers. I have added your site to my favorite sites on my blog... hope you dont mind.
    Have a wonderful day....
    Blessings Maggie =)
    Cedar Hill Rustics

  63. Just wanted to add my guess

    butterfly - yellow
    robin eggs - blue
    flowers - red

    So looking forward to this new
    month...have all the previous months!


Please leave us a comment, we'd love to hear from you!