
Growing Old Gracefully...

I spent the weekend
 with my eyes closely fixated,
 a few inches away,
 from Frances Pool - 1832.

color planning.

 Frances Pool has
 grown old gracefully,

 I cannot seem
 to get her musty smell
 out of my nose...

 Frances has spent
 some time in a
 I'm just guessing,
 that is what her
 indicates to me... 
Sharing little
 bits and pieces
the work of 13 year old
Frances Pool - 1832. 

   I've grouped the photos
 of the front and back
 together into one photo unit,
 for easy comparison.
 The top photo is the backside,
 showing the original colors of floss.
The bottom photo of the group is the front side,
 showing how the flosses have faded
over the 180 years.

See how the flosses have changed?
Frances has grown old gracefully,
hasn't she?

 The purples have faded
 to a lovely 
federal blue.

 The fuchsia pinks
are now a wonderful
shade of muted mulberry.

The rusty brown tree branch
is now
 greenish brown.
Take note of the bird..
It's light chartreuse-colored feathers
 have faded to a subtle shade
 of soapstone grey.

 I think she has aged beautifully,
I love her faded colors.
 It seems to be
 that I always
 the faded version
 to the original version. 

What way do you prefer to stitch a reproduction?

 Bright and bold,
 like newly purchased
 skeins of flosses,
faded and muted 
shades to simulate 
a piece that is 180 years old?
Frances Pool appears to be about a 15 count.  
The finished piece isn't quite square, 
with her widest width being around 14 1/2".
Just a nice size,
not too overwhelming. 

  I've selected hand dyed flosses
 by The Gentle Arts
 Weeks Dye Works,
 the front side 
of the sampler.
The reproduction will have
the same look as the antique. 
The linen selection
 hasn't been finalized.
I'm still on the hunt for the perfect shade of linen.
Wish me happy hunting!
Have a good week,


  1. Looks great...I love the aged look!

  2. Brenda,
    This is so beautiful. I love samplers and wish I could sew them.

  3. This is going to be a beautiful sampler, I am so glad you chose the muted colors of the front. I am looking forward to the chart being available, this is one I definitely want to stitch!

  4. The glimpses you showed wetted my appetite to buy it, Brenda. I love the colors you chose as I am becoming a fan of more muted shades. Can't wait to see the fabric you choose!

    Karen in Maryland

  5. Love the colors you've selected for her and it looks like another "must have" for me.

  6. The floss palette is just stunning, this sampler looks like another beauty! I am so excited that you are reproducing it for our stitching pleasure. Thank you for the time it takes to do this.

  7. I like the front, but for me I like to reproduce the original colors if possible. Would you think about including a list of threads that would match the origianl colors too. It would be neat to have the option.
    Thanks. I am looking forward to your release date and purchasing the chart.

  8. I like the front, but for me I like to reproduce the original colors if possible. Would you think about including a list of threads that would match the origianl colors too. It would be neat to have the option.
    Thanks. I am looking forward to your release date and purchasing the chart.

  9. Brenda, I can't wait to get my hands on this one!!! Thank you for bringing it to us!!!

  10. I love the faded colours as well. What a lovely sampler.

  11. What! you haven'tdecided on confederate gray....I really like stitching on that color...Can't wait for the release of this new sampler...

  12. I prefer the original colors on an old sampler. The way it would have been done. :)

  13. Those colors are stunning, whichever side is viewed. I prefer the faded since I like an antique/aged look. It looks like a wonderful piece. Love that little multicolored border!

  14. Absolutely love, LOVE the color palette of the floss:)So beautiful!

  15. Oh, another one to love! I can't wait! I love the muted shades.

  16. I love the faded antique look. Can't wait for this one to be available.

  17. Looking beautiful. Love the color palette. Happu hunting for just the right linen.

  18. i'm betting that's gonna be a beautiful piece! denise

  19. Beautiful!!! I love the nuted faded colors!

  20. Oh yes, the soft muted colors, I love what you have picked. It should be lovely CJ in OK ;-)

  21. Hmmm ... difficult choice! I think I love both colourways ;-)
    Curious to see how it'll develop!

  22. I prefer the aged look too and what a gorgeous sampler. Can't wait :-).

  23. Looks like it will be a lovely sampler, I prefer the faded colours. Good luck with the linen hunt! Linda x

  24. I love the muted colors. Can't wait to see the final product and look forward to stitching this sampler.

  25. Beautiful! Are you going to provide a color conversion to the original colors?

    P.S. The first egg was laid on Friday for the Decorah Eagles...something to watch while you work!

  26. Love Frances the way she is now, old, faded and very graceful, indeed! I vote the muted colors.

    As for her musty smell, try this...it really works. Put her in a ziploc bag and stick her in the freezer for an hour or two. The smell will vanish. You can do this for old books, etc, as well. I do this for quilts, too.

  27. how exciting to see your design process on Frances - can't wait to see the whole sampler. I love the colors you have chosen for her - sometimes I like the bright funky original colors but my personal preference is more towards the muted. We'll be waiting ! Melody

  28. It really blows my mind that 12 & 13 year olds were able to produce such beautiful stitchery...this piece is beautiful and I prefer the muted floss colors.

  29. This looks so beautiful! I love the original colors and I love the muted tones as well. It would be fantastic if you listed the two palettes on the pattern. Why? Because when I think of an reproduction, I want to see what colors the designer originally intended. this gives a more true insight to what the colors were available back when at that time. Also we learn what mood or emotion the designer wanted to achieve. This is just my opinion. thank you for sharing.
    Annette - California

  30. Beautiful sampler! So glad you are going with the muted colors. When we fall in love with an antique sampler-we love the "whole package" the muted colors, the faded/discolored linen. Most of us never even see the backs! Can't wait for the completed chart!

  31. I am so looking forward to Frances
    Pool and love that you chose the
    muted palette.

  32. Beautiful ....I like the nice soft shades of the faded colors...it is going to have to go in my to stitch pile.....Trudy

  33. Oh, she's gorgeous Brenda! The colours have aged gracefully and like you I prefer the muted tones especially on a reproduction sampler.

  34. Dear Brenda,
    I'm admired with all your gorgeous works! I found the story about Growing Old Gracefully very interesting and the pictures ,which are included in, are amazing.
    I'm the moderator of the Primitive Designs Fan Club on one of Russian Cross Stitch sites, our desire is to open up the theme about your designs in our site and we will be grateful if you give us the authority to translate and extend your post with it's photos.
    Thank you once again for the beautiful services you have in yours online shop.
    I'm looking forward hearing from you.
    Best wishes,

    email: simaqsous@hotmail.com

  35. I can't wait till you release Frances Payne. I will use the faded look, I do like bright colors but some patterns demand the faded colors and this is one of them
    Paula Shelgren
    One more thing, I love your patterns!!!!!!


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