
Where is he????

He's late,
it's 7:30 PM...
he should have been home over an hour ago...

Where is he?
Doesn't he know 
I've been sitting here,
on this chair,
looking out the window,
 waiting to hear his pick up truck
pull in the driveway 
for over 2 1/2 hours now,
so I can 
run to the door,
greet him,
get my tummy rubbed?????

I thought today would never end,
tough day at the kitty office...


  1. Beautiful kitty and I hope he got an extra tummy rub for such a great cute post!

  2. That is so sweet. The loyalty is something we could all learn from.

  3. What a lovely face to greet you when you come home! No other greeting is needed. Mary A

  4. Awww you have a mitted raggie!! I have a ragdoll too. So cute. Hope he gets a good tummy rub. x

  5. awwwwww he is adoooorrrable too ... :) love mouse xxxx

  6. Beautiful kitty! If only he could talk... I bet that's what he's really saying! :-)

  7. Your kitty is gorgeous and of course this is how they are when they wait for us to get home! My Bailey lets me know when I'm late and he greets me at the back door and leads me to the kitchen to get his Fancy Feast treat EVERY day! his friend Chessie is quite the lady and she sits quietly and patiently waiting!

  8. awh so cute- i must have your cats grandaddy - they have the nicest personality t he birmans. My boy is now over 15 years and still looks good too very placid and loyal and of course just irresistable.

  9. That face is just priceless! How can you resist?

  10. he's veru cute! i have also 2 sacred birmans, but they are females...


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