
Life is like a box of chocolates...

you just never know what your gonna get...
to quote Forrest Gump. 

I've had this idea floating around in my head,
and I couldn't seem to think of anything else.
So it meant a trip to Wal-Mart to buy myself a box of chocolates.

I woke this morning to take a photo of my purchase for today's blog posting
and this is what I found...
Hmmm...the dh must have thought I bought these for him.
Sorry honey.
These are for me.
It appears he needs some practice on finding the carmel in the box.
{tee hee hee}
The carmel one you see, is really the only one that I care about...
I just know 
that that square one
on the right is the carmel.
Carmels are
I've now learned this 
after lots and lots of practice,
trust me!
When I see a box of chocolates
I always think of how mad my mother would get
when we were young kids.  
My parents would receive a box of chocolates
from their landlord
each Christmas.
  It was as big as the back 40.
  I. kid. you. not.  

Us kids would do this...
you know,
just give the piece of chocolate
the little finger test
on it's bottom side...
if it wasn't something we liked,
it was put back 
and the poking
would continue
until the carmels
were all gone...

So when Mom had the urge for a piece of chocolate,
particularly a carmel, 
there was nothing left 
but the yucky ones.
Yucky ones 
with holes in the bottom!!
She could be heard from the kitchen,
"looks like the kids have been into the box of chocolates"...

This post is a little heads up
for a fun Valentines pattern that is coming.
  I'm hoping for a weekend release...
stay tuned.  

I always always feel badly
about throwing the cute little heart shaped
boxes away,
so I've incorporated
a spent heart box
into a fun little cross stitch pattern.

So if this sounds like something
you will want to partake in...
run to your local 
and buy yourself one of these...

 It is the 3 oz sized Whitman's sampler heart.
  You will find it wrapped in red cellophane. 
And if you can't find one locally,
go here to order yourself one online.
You may want to order more then one,
this little project would 
make quick & easy
little gift
for giving.

And here is just a tiny little peak
at what we're going to do 
with the heart-shaped box.
Think cross stitch...
Think little place to keep scissors 
other stitching ditties...
Think tiny little pinkeep...
And just think 
how good
that carmel 
on the right side of the box
is going to taste!

Have a good one,


  1. I can hardly wait to see what you make with the box.
    I loved the vanilla buttercreams. I confess I too was a choclate pincher ( didn't want to take a chance and maybe eat a raspberry cream).
    Teresa's Hearfelt Stitches

  2. Way to keep us in suspense! :)



  3. My parents always had a large Whitman's Sampler on the coffee table in the living room at Christmas time when I was little. I LOVE caramels and the fact that, when I learned to read, I could use the "road map" in the lid of the chocolates to find the caramel without having to do the "finger test"!! Thanks for the smile!

  4. Me so excited what you going to make..with the box..
    Love xxx

  5. I can't wait to see :) I go for the orange cremes, myself - or raspberry creme. Or anything that is dark chocolate, actually.

  6. I like the coconut ones and the nut ones. Sorry, but caramel comes in third! Can't wait to see your release!

  7. Can't wait to see the design! I am running out to get me that Whitman's box right now! lol Maybe I will get two or three. That way I can remove chocolates from box to mouth to get them ready!! lol

  8. Darn, I wasn't smart enough to poke the bottom. I always poked the top. And, yep, caramel is always square.
    I'm sure your design will be awesome as usual.
    Have a great day!

  9. mmmm, now I need to get some chocolate! Looking forward to seeing the new design. Have a great day.

  10. I was a nurse and we got chocolates from patients relatives. To stop the squabbling among the staff our secretary would take an instrument--poke them all and then give us the box!

    I never buy Whitmans--that will change today. Looking forward to the new design.

  11. Wonderful! Can hardly wait to see what chart will come out of your box of inspirations!

  12. Great Post!! I LOVE the caramel!!On the way to our Wal Mart...my sister's BD is coming. I think I can do something for her with your idea! Thanks!!(( unless she reads this, hmmm?))

  13. My mom always did this little bottom poke on the box of choc. we always got from my gandparents. My mom is now 82 years. I think I'll buy her a box for Valentine's Day for ol' time sake. So many of us have similar memories ;-) I can't wait to see what you stitched! warm bee-hugs

  14. You couldn't have designed something that used the 8oz box size? ;o) Can't wait to see what you have brewing! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  15. I can sooooo relate to this...yep, hate those creme filled ones and yep, holes in the bottom of ours too....to this day I keep to myself the fact that the caramels are square. LOL

  16. Thanks for the hint and tip.
    I'm going out tomorrow and look for one or two or three.
    I have a friend with a birthday coming up and another for valentines.
    This is exciting!!!!

  17. Well, chocolate and cross stitch together...nothing wrong with that at all!! Can't wait to see!

  18. Boxes have been purchased for my friends and I, did not take much convincing them of chocolate, cross stitch, With Thy Needle...need I say more? We are all so excited and can't hardly wait!!

  19. The suspense is killing me! I can't wait to see what you do with that chocolate box. It will certainly give me an excuse to buy some chocolates, lol!

  20. Cute post! I am off to get my boxes, I can't wait to see what I am making LOL

  21. I love the caramels best too! I can't wait to see what we are going to do with the candy box.

    I just finished Boughs of Holly. I used a piece of over-dyed fabric from my stash and found a scrapbook key to put on top the the stitched one. I can't wait to get it back from my framer!!!

  22. I just got home with my Whitman heart boxes. I can hardly wait to see what you are going to do!! Donna

  23. HI Brenda - I bought myself one of the same whitman heart box you have in anticipation of what you are going to show us! I'm looking forward to see what you have designed for us to go in the little box!

  24. Well I have my wonderful candy box. I rapidly emptied it in antisapation of creating something wonderful this weekend!

  25. I LOVE the caramels too!!! And, like you, have learned with lots of practice as a child, that they are always square! :) See's is my favorite though.


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