
Did you know?

We are just coming off of
National Get Organized Week?

What did you do
to get organized?

Didn't know
it was
National Get Organized Week?

Me neither,
until something
came across my desk...

I read it,
I laughed,
thought to myself,
where would
I begin???

I prefer to call my desk,
my fabric stash,
my floss stash,
my work room,
creative clutter
something of the result
of not being organized...

But in trying
to do my little part
with getting organized
I came up
with these...
I'm using it
I'm loving it so much
that I think
we need to sell them...

Watch for
coming soon!

They will feature the tiny frames
with a snippet of motifs
from antique samplers
in my collection,
on a ring,
a tiny scissor stork
or other fun little stitching-themed charm
tiny little bead to finish it off.
They keep your flosses that you
are using
in one safe
secure spot.
Or you could say,

I now
can declare
myself organized...

Have a good one,


  1. EEEE I did laugh when I read it was national organisational week ... I have been trying to sort out my craft room this week and I didn't even know ..lol ... cute little floss rings too :) well done on your little bit of organising ;) love mouse xxxx

  2. gosh, I didn't know it was get organized week, but I re-organized my stash room yesterday & today I have started tackling my recipe books/cookbooks!!!

  3. Brenda, Thanks for the heads up about National organized week. Now when exactly is national guilt trip week? LOL! I agree about it being creative clutter - and I'm sure like me you know right where everything is - until you decide to organize and put "it" somewhere and then you can't find it. Happens to me all the time. ~Ann

  4. These floss keeps are fantastic! You should see my floss... No. It's too horrific to show you. LOL
    They are all jammed into a large ziploc bag, and are so tangled, they are probably all one big ball by now. And don't even put your hand into the bag LOL,no. there might be a few needles just thrown in there. LOL. I hate how disorganized my craft supplies are.

  5. Oh Yes I do need a floss ring.......cannot wait for them.. P.S. Glad you had a good trip...I loved the photos, especially the bridge from below....Mary

  6. wow..i love this floss ring..it sis o sweet :)

  7. Well, perhaps if I were more organized, I would have known it was National Organization Week....Let's see....should I change my ways? Nah...Instead, I think I'll just treat myself to one of your adorable floss keeps and consider that my contribution to the cause! (These are adorable Brenda!! And hey - now maybe my kitties won't be wearing whichever color I need at the time!) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. I LOVE your floss organizers......I hope you will make them and sell them SOON...i know I'll buy one...or two...or more:)

  9. These are really cute. I guess since I missed Get Organized Week, I'll have to wait until next year.


  10. Cute floss rings..... what type of frame is that? Is it one that you soldered?

  11. I had no idea! It would have to be National Organizational Year around here, lol!
    I am so excited about your floss rings. I currently store my floss this way on plain old rings from Business Depot. I can hardly wait to get my hands on some of these.


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