
It must be Monday...

It's been brought to my attention that the color key and the chart on the Mansion at Fox Hollow don't jive. I think I need a Pepto Bismol, my stomach is in knots over this. Mistakes do happen and I just flat out missed this when proofing the pattern.

If you have one of these patterns in your possession, please take note that the instruction page that lists the symbols and floss colors is incorrect.

The page has been revised and you can find the corrected version here. If you have difficulty downloading this page, please email me at order@countrystitchesonline.com and I'll send you the page via snail mail.

I'm hoping this hasn't caused any confusion and please know I'm very very sorry about this.

the one in the dunce hat


  1. You truly are having a Monday, aren't you? Wow....Hope tomorrow's better! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (The one in Wisconsin...) ;o)

  2. We all miss things & wonder how in the world we missed them! I'm sure no one holds it against you : ) Blessings, Shirlee


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