
Sunday at the Movies!

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With thy Needle & Thread,


  1. Brenda, I love your Sunday Matinee! What a cute idea! Of course love all the new things too.

  2. Brenda, Can you here me screaming? I am just giddy over ALL of it. I am ready to purchase, my stomach hurts with anticipation of the new releases. I know, I need to get a life. I love all things fall and halloweeny! Loved the presentation, think I will be watching re-runs of Sunday at the Movies. You are just wonderful! I thank you for sharing your wonderful designs!

  3. Brenda, The Sunday Matinee is one of the cutes, freshist ideas that I've seen in a longtime. What a special Halloween trick for a great treat, your new designs. You can fill my trick or treat bag anyday.
    Congrats on your new patterns and here's to a most successful release date. Thanks for turning this projected hot, humid day in Iowa to a cool fall morning.

  4. OMG ....this was So Much FUN !!!! You just have way too many neat designs ..... Your Sunday Matinee was just Awesome !!!! Thank you for the Great Show !!!!

  5. That was wonderful Brenda!!! Your new designs are irresistible - again!! - want to do them ALL!! And the presentation was absolutely delightful!!! :o) Happy Sunday to you! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. I can't wait !! Tomorrow!! Here I come over to order !!! Love the 2 little pinkeeps!

  7. so sweet!!! i loved the movie....5 stars!! cindy

  8. I wouldn't work for me, but I was able to see everything by clicking the numbers at the bottom. Some neat things there Brenda. Witch Hazel is cute. Love her dress!!

  9. Brenda, the Sunday Matinee was such a fun surprise. I just loved it. I will be watching it over and over again. Love the new designs also and can't wait to order them. You are such a talented person and I so enjoy reading your blogs every day. There are many of them that I go back and read many times. Thank you for all your hard work and for sharing your talents with the rest of us!!

  10. Those patterns are the cutest I've seen. C.U.T.E. I'm not a fan of autumn because of what it leads to, but displaying these will make it bearable! Very very nice designs.

  11. Wow...can't pick a favorite design!! Cute idea for the "movie" ~Kriss~

  12. Love, love, love the Sunday Matinee! What a wonderful and fresh new way to show your new designs. I can't resist these. They're irristable!!

  13. Wow, you get more clever every day! Some really cute designs in that movie. I love fall, too.



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