
So who is the bird brain???????

You may remember a few weeks ago
my blog post titled,
Bird-Brained Idea....
If not, let me refresh...
An inexperienced Mom & Pop Blue Jay
decides to build their nest in a tree,
about five feet off the ground,
about 4 feet from Spot's house.
Spot is a cat.
Way too low to the ground
way way to close
to the house of a cat
in my humble opinion.

Fast forward
to this afternoon...

I'm sitting in my stitching chair,
enjoying a Sunday afternoon
of quiet stitching time,
when all of a sudden,
I hear a ruckus
outside the window.
I think every squirrel
in Buena Vista County
was in our yard.
There were blue jays,
no... make that lots of blue jays,
and even saw Mr. Flicker
fly in with his two cents worth.

So I set down my stitching
run outside to see what's up...
I'd find a bird
from a cats mouth...

Down in the violet foliage
I spy a cat
on the hunt
at the same time
being dive-bombed by birds.
I'm thinking the cat
is probably
getting what it deserves...

I bent down to startle the cat away
when I felt this sharp blow
to the
top of my head.
I had just been beaked by a blue jay!
I felt a little foolish,
gathered my thoughts,
rubbed my head
out a couple of words...
"ouch, that wasn't very nice"
returned to my stitching
making lunch
A few minutes later,
I step out the back door
to put some brats on the grill for a late lunch...
And what do I find,
just a few feet from the grill????
This guy...
with a sore head still,
I'm afraid to step foot outside.
I could see Mom up in the apricot tree.
I was afraid to look up at her
in fear she'd go for my eyes...
then I remembered
I wear glasses...
I have eye protection.

So what did I do?
I grabbed my camera,
shot a couple pictures of the little one
through the screen door,
and then nonchalantly ask the dear husband
if he'd mind
putting the brats on the grill.
(He had no idea about the earlier bird-pecking incident. If we could keep that under wraps, that would be wonderful...it's a little embarrassing.)

My head still hurts,
as I rub it,
I'll remember
the bird brain???

Have a good week,


  1. I saw for myself some years back wht the crazy Bluejays can do! You be very careful out there! They have no mercy!!!

  2. Awwwwe, that baby jay is too cute! Sorry about getting pecked but she was only protecting her young. It's all the cats fault anyway for stalking that little baby! lol!!

  3. That's absolutely hilarious, Brenda! LOVE it!!! And what sweet photos you captured of the baby Jay!!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin (PS - Hope Hubby fared better than you did!) ;o)

  4. awwww lovely pictures .. hope your head is a wee bit better ... and the cat doesn't come round for a bit :) love mouse xxxx

  5. Your blog ought to win awards not only for stitching projects, but for amazing bird photos and info. Fun!


  6. Poor little guy must have fallen out of the nest. This will probably be his first and last picture!

  7. I had been so entertained by your Eagle stores, and I miss them so.
    And today you surprise me with another fun bird story.
    Hope your head feels better.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  8. LOL! Oh my, what a fun post! I've never seen a baby jay, although we have plenty of bluejays here. What a sweet little thing! Good job, sending your husband out. ;)


  9. I had a blue jay attack me when I was about 8 years old. Not something you easily forget. And it DOES hurt to have you head pecked!

  10. I got bird beaked once by a mama bird and you are so right - it sure did hurt. Left a lump on my head. I did nothing to deserve it - just got to close to the tree with her nest!

    Love your blog and the photos are always so wonderful.

    Thanks, Charlotte

  11. Too funny! Darn bluejays. My husband had a close encounter with an angry bluejay years ago..so it's not hard to identify with your head-pecking story.

    Was your husband able to make lunch without incident?

  12. I think I see bluejays in one of your future designs. Last year we had red wing blackbirds dive bombing. ;-)

  13. Loved your story and pictures. Sorry you were pecked, but such a funny story! Hope the baby jay is ok.

  14. Brenda, off topic, but what is the name of the sweet little strawbery piece stitched with the 2 birds in a hoop at the top of your blog page? I love it and want it! is it new?

  15. Great pic of the little guy, Brenda. He's adorable. I would have tried to shoo the cat away too, so don't feel bad.

  16. Loved your story! It brought a smile to my day. Blue Jays are such vicious birds but you can't fault Momma for protecting her young.
    Great photos of baby!


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