
I think I'm blushing...

for sure
I know
I'm honored

As you" eagle cam fans" may remember from a recent post here, the Raptor Resource Organization was ending their need for donations. It was at that time that the fund-raising pattern "Soar" was also retired. I made my final donation from the proceeds of this cross stitch chart to the group on the final evening they were taking donations.

This morning I received a note from Bob Anderson, director of the Raptor Resource Organization that I'd like to share with all of you, who so kind-heartedly purchased the Soar pattern. This is to you, too.

It reads ...

Many thanks for your ongoing support. What can I say? You have made so many donations that I am starting to feel guilty. All I can say is many, many thanks. I will be sending you some DVD's of wildlife documentaries that I have worked on over the years. But, these are little in comparison to your donations.

I will also name a falcon in your honor. We have been busy banding young falcons over the last few days. Yesterday, we banded three young falcons at the 3M water tower in Cottage Grove, MN and four at the Horizon Milling stack house in Lake City, MN. Today we band falcons at the US Bank in La Crosse, WI and at the Bunge stack house in Mc Gregor, IA. On Friday we will be banding on cliffs near Diamond Bluff, WI and Maiden Rock, WI. Saturday will be a cliff near Waukon Junction, IA then crossing the river to a cliff near Lynxville, WI. Please let me know if you have a certain name that you would like to have for a falcon?

Many thanks... Bob Anderson

The Raptor Resource group is much more then the eagle cam that we've become captivated with! They are also very active in the preservation of the Peregrine Falcon. A raptor that at one time was near extinction in the Mississippi River Valley. Through their research, breeding in captivity, and nesting solutions, this falcon is thriving once again, in these parts. A magnificent raptor that can fly in excess speeds of 200 mph.

This note from Bob has just overwhelmed me. I would be very honored to have a young falcon named in the honor of myself and the Soar sampler. I'm just not sure that Brenda is the right name for a falcon...

What should we name the falcon? I'm open to ideas, please share your thoughts. I'm feeling sort of giddy as I type, we get to name a baby falcon! How cool is that?

Have a good day,


P.S. Here is an article and beautiful photos, for your reading pleasure, of some falcon banding that was just done along the Mississippi River in Minnesota, Wisconsin & Iowa.


  1. Hi Brenda.. What an honor! How about the name "Soar", seems fitting to me..


  2. brenda, what an honor! My name suggestion woul be Soar! Let us know what you decidde.

  3. How about Soar????
    and even though I live Indiana- my husband is from Minnesota and Lake
    City is just about the coolest place-- I will now think of the falcons as we drive thru--- :)

  4. Like everyone else, the name 'Soar' would be perfect.

  5. Hi Brenda,
    You must be elated! I must say that I think it's a much deserved honor. You coming up with the 'Soar' pattern and donating the procedes was not only a stroke of genius, but an unselfish gesture, as well. I think I remember you telling us they wanted to try to band one of the eaglets in Decorah. Do you know if they were ever able to do that? I concur wit the other posters-- what better name than 'Soar'!! Congrats on the honor.


  6. Most definitely "Soar" is the name! That is such a nice reward for all your hard work raising funds for the project! Congratulations!

  7. Hey,Brenda...I just knew they were going to do something really nice for you, but naming a raptor for you is truly amazing! I probably gave this way too much thought, but I'll just put this out there. I looked up the meaning of "falcon" and it means 'falcon- keeper' and the English form for a name is "Faulkner", which also means "falcon-keeper". I thought that was special (like you, a very special person!). I like "Soar" too, but since you named that in honor of the eagles, and this would be a falcon, I thought it should have something different.
    Like I said, I think I over- thought this (is that a word?) cuz I've been up all night with a herniated disc acting up. Uggh...
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  8. Congratulations! I have to agree "Soar" seems so appropriate!

  9. That is an honor!
    Name? I like "Stitch"!

  10. What a spectacular honor! You've brought pleasure in so many ways to the folks who purchased your pattern and those caring for the eagles and falcons...

    My first thought for the falcon is Gideon...because you are so giddy!

    The name also means Mighty Warrior...

  11. I am thrilled for you. Your donations were wonderful, and in addition I wonder how many people got involved in watching the nest because of you. And how many moms and grand moms (and others) will pass on the story of the eagle family of 2011 via information attached to Soar samplers.

    Job well done!


  12. ohhh well done :0 happy dance there that you are being recognised for all your hard work .... and I have to agree with the name Soar but may be add a wee bit to it ??? part of your name or your blog ??? hope that helps a bit love mouse xxxx

  13. Hi Brenda -- What an honor and a fitting gift for all the joy your sampler and the eagle cam have brought to stitchers everywhere. I have to concur with the suggestion of Soar, but I do like Gideon as a close second for the reasons Kelley suggested. I am thrilled that part of my holiday weekend was spent taking my Soar Sampler to the framer.
    Thanks, and can't wait to see part 2 of the Mystery Sampler.


  14. Wow, that's really cool. I think Brenda is a pretty name, but it'd have to be a girl falcon, lol. I agree with the others though, Soar would be a perfect name for your young namesake. After all, you named your sampler in honor of the eagles, and that's how you came to be noticed. So it's only right that Soar be the name you choose (if you really don't want Brenda). Grats to you for making a difference!

  15. Are you kidding me? I think Brenda is a perfect name for a beautiful, female falcon. Well deserved, you! Congratulations and thanks for making me aware of the eagle cam. I have enjoyed it for hours and hours and hours....

  16. I agree with Traci....she beat me to it, but "Soar" seems to be the most obvious and befitting name for this very special falcon.

  17. Wow, what an honor, and deservedly so. I agree with your readers. Soar!

  18. Yes, what an honor, you richly deserve it. I agree with everyone else, Soar is the perfect name, it's the first one that came to mind!

  19. My first thought was Soar also! You thought up the perfect name for the chart and it would be a perfect name for the falcon!

  20. "Soar" is the perfect name for 'your' Falcon. What an honor & a beautiful letter from Bob Anderson. Congrats to you Brenda, on a wonderful project.

  21. Congratulations! Your efforts show that one person can make a difference!

    I like 'soar' and 'stitch' so how about 'soaring stitch' or 'stitching soar'?

  22. How about using your last name Gervais.
    I like Gideon as a second.
    Good luck and congrats...Karencg

  23. i like gervais. i think they should save soar for an eagle, since you have brought so much light on this nest. i have been watching it and have shared it with family and friends. thanks so much and you so deserve the honor. cindy

  24. Congratulations, Brenda, on this special honor, which you so richly deserve! When I saw that you were asking help with a name my first thought was, of course, Soar, and when I checked the comments I see that I am not alone in thinking that would be a PERFECT name! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be involved in choosing the name with you, but I do believe that whatever name you choose will be okay with everyone else because you ALWAYS do make excellent decisions! Congrats again, Brenda, on this well deserved honor! NancyMc

  25. Oh Brenda...what an honor!! And I'm thinking BRENDA is a perfect name for a falcon!! You have done some amazing work. I'm so very proud to be a part of your efforts. Congratulations

  26. Congratulations Brenda!
    What an honor.
    The first name that came to mind was Soar ~ Looks like everyone else thought that too!
    Prim Blessings

  27. I,too, feel "Soar" is appropriate. It represents the cross stitch pattern as well as what hawks, falcons and eagles do so well. Through the efforts of organizations like Raptor Resource more and more of these magnificent birds are able to soar and be free.

  28. Hi Brenda,
    What an honor!!! Like everyone else I like the name "Soar" but for another suggestion how about "BG". Your initals woud be so fitting.

  29. Oh Brenda, this brought tears to my eyes! You are indeed a beautiful person and the donations you let us contribute to with the Soar pattern should make us all feel proud to help all these amazing birds! The Soar pattern inspired us all so I agree, "Soar" is a wonderful name befitting a graceful falcon.

  30. Awesome. Great going Brenda! I agree Soar is a great name!


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